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Queen of the night

2014-09-23 | plant

9/22  16:22



Flowers of Queen of the night bloomed yesterday.

This is the second time in this season.

Regrettable to say, I missed seeing them at first time.

I enjoyed the flower and  The 17th Asian Games  at the same time.

This is one night flower, so they had withered in the morning.

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2014-09-17 | plant

Astringent persimmon


Sweet  persimmon

It was sunny in the morning and became cloudy in the afternoon.

It's cool and very comfortable now.

Two kinds of persimmons in my backyard have many fruits.

They didn't bear so many fruits last year, so they bore many fruits this year.

I'm looking forward to eating delicious persimmon about a month later.  

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Beginning of autumn

2014-09-01 | weather


ear of rice


flower of a scallion 

Hot summer has passed and cool autumn is around the corner.

we can see ear of rice.

And many crickets are singing at night.

I'm looking forward to spending comfortable autumn days.

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