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Green curtain

2014-07-28 | plant




 Bitter melon that was planted June 3 grew well and it became a nice green curtain.

And it bears a lot of fruits.

I often cook them.

But the number of the fruit is too many to eat up. 

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Playing in the water

2014-07-26 | family



  This is the first experience for me.

It's fun and feel cool to play in the pool made from vinyl.

I want to be here a little longer !   

 I love this hose as well as playing in the water.

Water is cool and comfortable and my shirt and trousers were soaked to the skin. 

But it was a lt of fun! 

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Hot summer days

2014-07-25 | weather



 It's very hot these days.

This weather will continue for about two months from now.

We must take care of our health.

The number of people who suffers from heatstroke is increasing.

I miss coldness of winter ! 

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