Let's enjoy English !


Playing at the yard

2015-04-27 | family

 Where is the fuzz of the dandelion flying?


A butterfly is flying over there !   


  I found a bug !


Paddling is also fun as I expected!


I'd like to get on this !


 It's heavy and hard to heave ! 


 Please help us some day !

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Words of a bulletin board 26

2015-04-18 | shrine and temple



Words of a bulletin board at a zen temple was updated.

It means 'comfortably'.

We should remember this words because people these days look so busy.

Really important things may be less than we think it is important.

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Bamboo shoot

2015-04-11 | food



I was given these bamboo shoots by our relative the other day.

He has some clumps of bamboo and brings many bamboo shoots every year.

 The bamboo shoot of the place where he lives is very popular because they are very delicious.

After peeling the skin, I boiled them about forty minutes.

I cook them various way and enjoy eating them. 

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Cherry blossoms

2015-04-04 | plant






 Cherry blossoms are in full bloom now.

These are cherry blossoms near my house.

Taking a walk in the afternoon, I took many pictures of these flowers.

I was very satisfied with these wonderful flowers.  

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