Let's enjoy English !



2010-05-13 | others

Thanks to Mr. Cakeater, I managed to paste Clustrmaps  on this blog.
I can see the locations and  the number of visitors to this blog.
It's very interesting.
Though Mr. Cakeater  introduced this map last August by
commenting to my blog, I couldn't paste it.
I didn't know how to paste.
But yesterday, I happened to success to paste .
I feel that the world is connecting more.
Thank you very much Mr. Cakeater !

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Christams ornament

2009-12-18 | others

  One of my friends went on a trip to Europe the other day.
These Christmas ornaments made of glass are souvenir from her.
She bought them at the Christmas market in Vienna.
They are small but they are very pretty shining against the light.

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2009-09-04 | others

Twitter seems to be very popular now, so I also registered on it the day before yesterday.
It is a kind of communication services and we can write on it within 140 words.
It has functions of like blog and chat.

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2009-04-11 | others

 I've used  'ya421' as my nickname since June twenty  2004.
But I'm using 'yaya' on my goo home, so I decided to change my nickname from 'ya421' to 'yaya'.
Thank you !

a Chinese milk vetch



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A nice song

2008-09-12 | others
森山直太朗 生きてることが辛いなら

I heard this song for the first time on NHK last night.
I was moved very much, so I upload it.
Let's listen to this song together !
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Application for a present (プレゼント応募)

2008-03-05 | others

 butterbur sprout

  Congratulations on  fourth anniversary of goo blog !

Thanks to this blog, I'm enjoying blog life very much. 

I'll apply for this 39 present. 


②どちらのプレゼントがほしいか・・・デジタル一眼レフ Nikon D40 レンズキット

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Hina doll 2

2008-02-29 | others

This hina dll is the one I uploaded the other day.

I took pictures of the hina dll again.

Their face and the figures are so nice !

This pottery is made at Bi-ze-n in Okayama prefecture and we call it 'Bi-ze-n ya-ki.'

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Hina doll

2008-02-20 | others

  March 3 is Hi-na-ma-tsu-ri,  festival for the girls.

Shizusan made this set of hina doll  at a welfare center for the aged where she goes every Tuesday.

She brought back it home yesterday.

It is made of a piece of paper and very simple.

I set it at an entrance hall.  

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2007-12-01 | others


Please click this !   

Thank you very much, Ms. Common days !
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2007-10-26 | others
Thanks to this article, I could enjoy this skill.
Thank you very much donguri-san !


<Please open and close this door called 'Sho-ji' !>

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2007-10-01 | others

I was surprised at looking at this cube at this site.
As I had an interest in this skill, I also tried it.
Thanks to this site, I could manage to succeed in this trial.

Mouse on !


By the way, Cluster amaryllis;(Spider lily) is in full bloom now and its red color attract our attention.
They are blooming along the rice fields here and there.
The contrast of green and red is so nice !
Because of the heat of this summer, they are blooming later than usual.
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2007-06-07 | others
I'll try putting a URL of YouTube on this article.
Will it do well?

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Hi-na doll

2007-02-25 | others
Mouse on !


March 3 is the hi-na festival that is called 'the festival of peach'; (Mo-mo no se-kku).
We Japanese pray for health and luck of girls on that day.

This hi-na doll is being set at the central parlor of Ku-ra-shi-ki central hospital.
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Test of click change

2007-01-12 | others
These are the pictures of my sightseeing in Tokyo last June.
After clicking the title, click on the small pictures, please !


I saw nice pictures on this site.
And next, I found a tag for making these click changes on this site.
I wanted to uploading my pictures using this skill and tried it.
I made it at last!
Thank you very much, yocco san and donguri san !

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Google Picasa 2

2006-12-11 | others
I tried online album by Google Picasa 2.

Please click this picture and slideshow next!

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