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Pond of lotus

2009-06-28 | scenery

  Lotus flowers began to bloom in the pond of lotus.
The leaves of lotus also look very cool.
It is fine and it's very hot today, so I uploaded this scenery.
I saw some water strider on the surface of the water.
They also look cool !

lotus flower

water strider




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2009-06-27 | plant

Flowers of hydrangea in my yard are in full bloom now.
It changed their color from light blue to deep blue.
This flower looks more beautiful in the rain, but we have had little rain this rainy season.
But according to the weather forecast, it'll rain tomorrow ! 





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Words of a bulletin board

2009-06-22 | shrine and temple

A zen temple

  This is the seventh time I see the words on the bulletin boards at the zen temple near my house.
The meaning of the words is as follows.

   'Hurry up doing good and put off doing bad.'

Flowers of oleander are blooming beautifully and look nice on the white wall. 



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2009-06-18 | plant
It's very hot today.
The temperature here is about 28℃ now.
But plants and flowers look beautiful under the sun of early summer.
These hollyhocks are blooming beside the country lane.

Mouse on !

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Rice planting

2009-06-15 | rice field (farming)

  Planting rice is over around my house.
Farmers will be busy controlling water, weeding and so on from now.
The scenery of ice fields is very beautiful .
By the way, we hear the sound of noisy frogs at night.

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2009-06-11 | scenery

  It's the season of rice planting and the farmers are planting rice plant these days.
So rice fields are filled with water and I could see beautiful sunset this evening.
The sunlight was reflecting to the surface of the water beautifully.


  Some ducks flew to this rice field from the pond to find some food.
I can see many ducks in the pond in winter but most of them flew to the north now.
Three or four ducks stay in the pond all year round without flying to the north.


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Beginning of the rainy season

2009-06-09 | weather

May 29

  The Meteorological Agency announced that rainy season had started in Okayama prefecture today.
It is three days later than usual year. 
We'll have sultry days for about a month or so and after that hot summer comes!

By the way, some swallows are raising five baby birds at the entrance of my house.
They cry for food from early in the morning till the evening when parents swallows come back to their nest. 
They are very cute.

June 8

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2009-06-05 | plant

  I see various colors of iris blooming here and there.
These are some of them.
It has been cloudy for a few days and this flower looks nicer under the cloud than the sun. 


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Electrical work

2009-06-01 | diary

Passion flower

  We found that water was leaking from  kerosene boiler the other day.
We've used the boiler very long, so we decided to buy electric water heater which makes use of the night-time power.
The night -time power is a little cheaper than daytime power.
As 200 volts is necessary for using the heater, two men came to my house for electrical work today.
And electric water heater will be set tomorrow.
It is not necessary for us to check kerosene from tomorrow.


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