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Daituji in fall 

2023-11-29 | shrine and temple





part of a lock garden


main gate 


Sunday, November 26th

I went to Daituji, an ancient temple of Soto sect in Yakage, to see a giant ginko.

It is also famous for being a ``Prefecturally Designated Scenic Garden'' on the north side of the Shoin.

On that day, we only admired the ginkgo tree in front of the main hall.

The yellow carpet (which looks like it would be difficult to clean) and the large ginkgo tree against the blue sky were very beautiful.

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Koujin Kgura

2023-11-19 | diary

It was a very cold day yesterday, but I went to see " Koujin Kagura " a kind of Bittyu Kagura held in the neighborhood. 

It seems to be one of the most important in the national designated intangible folk cultural property.

It was held from 4:00 in the afternoon to 11:00 at night.

I watched it from around 8:00 p.m.

There were free services for "oden" and " hot noodle" in the cold open air.

There was a bonfire too.

During the performance, many rice-cakes and cookies were thrown to the audience.


These are photoes from the middle of the play.

appiarance of an old woman and a man 


about making SAKE




SAKE was made


four large snakes 


extermination of  snakes

The costumes were gorgeous and perfprmanses were splendid.

I had a wonderful time. 

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Dried persimmon

2023-11-12 | food

 I am making dried persimmons from Saijo persimmons of my backyard.

I peel off the skin with a peeler.



After tying a string to the stem of the persimmon, I soaked the persimmon in boiling water to sterilize it.

Once dried,  very sweet and delicious hanging persimmons are made.

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Words of a bulletin board 85

2023-11-01 | shrine and temple

Japanese anemone


This time, words of a bulletin board is


“Bigin with ’ABC’ and end with 'ABC'. 

We shoudn't forget that."

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