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Sky in the end of the year

2007-12-27 | weather

Though I seldom see a rainbow recently even in summer, I happened to see it the other day.
I saw this rainbow around noon on December 24.
On seeing it, I took this picture as it disappeared soon.

Mouse on ! (The moon on December 23)

And we had a nice present on Christmas eve.
The full moon was seen in the winter sky.
It was not so dark on the day, so Santa Claus might have been able to deliver the Christmas present smoothly.
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Merry Christmas !

2007-12-24 | diary

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The winter solstice

2007-12-22 | weather

   Today is the winter solstice ; To-ji in Japanese.
The daytime is the shortest of the year, but it will become longer and longer from tomorrow in spite of having the coldest days from now.
Besides Christmas and the New Year are coming soon.
So I feel something bright !

By the way, we have a custom of eating  pumpkin and taking  a citron bath on this day wishing for good health.


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2007-12-19 | shrine and temple

 This calendar is a gift from a zen temple.
The meaning  of the calligraphy is ' The atmosphere filled with freshness'.
The figure is one of the Buddhist saints called 'Ji-zo bo-sa-tsu'.
A priest draws the the word and picture by hand every year and delivers it to us.
By the way, I have already got various kinds of calendars till now.
They are  from liquor shop, construction company, electric  apparatus shop, Agricultural joint union, car shop,  Yakult, Chugoku Electric Power Co. and so on.

When I am presented these calendar, I feel that a New Year is around the corner !



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In the evening

2007-12-16 | scenery

The length of the daytime is the shortest of the year now.
Taking a walk, it becomes dark very early in the evening.
As I live in the country, I seldom see any Christmas illuminations.
So it's very dark after nightfall.

Mouse on !

'O-i-ke'(Big pond) around 5:30 the day before yesterday
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A phone call

2007-12-10 | diary


  I had a phone call from my old acquaintance living in Osaka whom I seldom talk with and we talked for about an hour about our living.

She was living near my house  about forty years ago and after that she moved to various places because of her husband's work. 

So I haven't seen her since then. 

She said she was writing  a New Year Card to me and had wanted to hear my voice.

She is much older than I but her voice sounded young.

And my voice also seemed to sound young to her and she asked me how I was look.

I answered that my hair and my skin have lost moisture these few years and I looked old.

If we meet now, we must be surprised at our appearance each other.

So I was lucky I didn't use TV phone  !

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Red seed

2007-12-08 | plant
Seeds of Dogwood

I see seeds of various plants these days.
Red seeds seem to attract the attention of birds and they come to eat them.
There are two dogwoods in my yard, so some birds fly to them.

That is no problem but we are annoyed by the bird's excrement which is fallen down to the car in my garage near the tree.
So my husband are hanging down some CDs at the entrance of the garage.
But it seems to have little effect to the birds.

What should we do ?

Mouse on !

Chloranthus; (Se-n-ryo-u)

Mouse on !

Spear flower;(Ma-n-ryo-u)

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Fallen leaves

2007-12-05 | plant

Seeing these red leaves, I feel the coming of early winter.
Red leaves at 'Ni-shi-so-no ji-n-jya' where lots of beautiful cherry blossoms bloom in spring were also so nice.
Tiny red fallen leaves were so pretty.

Mouse on !

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2007-12-01 | others


Please click this !   

Thank you very much, Ms. Common days !
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