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Red leaves 2

2011-11-30 | plant


 The leaves of some kinds of trees have turned to red and yellow and they look so beautiful now.

I can see them while I am taking a walk.

It's a little warmer than last year, so they turned to red later than last year.



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iPhone & iPad

2011-11-23 | new product


  I was presented iPhone & iPad by my son.

This is the first time I see real iPad though I have seen  iPhone before.

It seems to be very convenient and I'm interested in both of them.

they have various functions and I think they are small computers. 

I am practicing to touch the panel of these instruments.

I'll be used to touching it before long.



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Red leaves

2011-11-19 | plant


It's late autumn or beginning of winter now and the season of red leaves began around my house.

The leaves of the hill seen from here also begin to turn yellow or red.

I love red or yellow leaves as well as cherry blossoms in spring. 




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Flower of cotton plant

2011-11-13 | plant


I uploaded cotton on the cotton plant the other day, but I had  never seen the flower of


Taking a walk this evening, I saw the flower of cotton at the same tree.

It is similar to the flower of Okra. 


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2011-11-09 | plant


  Taking a walk the other day, I saw a cotton tree with white cotton.

I've never seen it till then, so I took this picture.

We have been making use of this cotton.

For example, Japanese Futon,  Japanese style cushion, cotton clothes and so on.



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2011-11-07 | plant


The season of chrysanthemum has come and we see beautiful flowers here and there.

I saw these flowers at a zentemple near my house.

A man presents this flower to this temple every autumn.

Please enjoy these nice flowers !


*slide show



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