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Dried persimmon

2023-11-12 | food

 I am making dried persimmons from Saijo persimmons of my backyard.

I peel off the skin with a peeler.



After tying a string to the stem of the persimmon, I soaked the persimmon in boiling water to sterilize it.

Once dried,  very sweet and delicious hanging persimmons are made.

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Henon bamboo

2023-06-14 | food

I was prezented ”Henon bamboo” from my neighbor.

It took a long time to remove the bamboo bark.


They are green and white.


 Henon bamboos don't have lye, so we can eat them without boiling.

But I boiled them just in case.

I had rice bran, so I added it too and boiled them for about 10 minutes.

I  am cooling down them and I will wash away tomorrow morning.

To tell the truth, I have never cooked Henon bamboo, so I am worring about cooking this a little.

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taste good for curry rice

2023-06-13 | food

(Left) shallots pickled today
(Right) shallots pickled last year

  I was delivered washed shallots grown in Tottri prefecture from co-op. 

I soaked them in shallot  vinegar.

They are delicious with curry rice.

Last year, shallots were too small and this year, they are too big. 

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Pickled plum

2021-07-19 | food


under drying 

This is my first challenge in making pickled plum.

I bought 1 kg of plum in the middle of June.

When plum vinegar has risen, I picked red perilla in my yard. 

After rubbing them with salt, I put them into the bottle of plums.

The rainy season has ended and it becomes fine, so I am drying the plums now.

I'll dry them for three days.

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Bamboo shoot

2015-04-11 | food



I was given these bamboo shoots by our relative the other day.

He has some clumps of bamboo and brings many bamboo shoots every year.

 The bamboo shoot of the place where he lives is very popular because they are very delicious.

After peeling the skin, I boiled them about forty minutes.

I cook them various way and enjoy eating them. 

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Pacific cutlassfish

2014-12-02 | food



  I heard the sound of chime the day before yesterday in the evening.

 I hurried to the front door and I saw my neighbor standing with a big bag.

His son went fishing on that day and caught these nice fish.

He presented part of them to me.

They were about 60cm long.

I cut them right away and I put some into freezer.

I roasted them with salt.

It was very delicious.

This neighbor sometimes delivers fish in this way.

Thank you very much !

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Under drying

2014-03-11 | food


  Many splendid Japanese radish like fat legs grew up in my husband's vegetable field.

Since we can't eat up, I'm making dried radish following last year.

Ever day, I pick off two of them at a time and chop up and dry. 

I save the dried radish in the plastic bag with a drier.

When it gets hot, they are saved in a refrigerator.

It is a natural food gentle to intestines.

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Under drying

2012-11-06 | food


These are astringent persimmons under drying.

I peeled them and hung them like this.

It will take some time till they become sweet dried fruit.

I hope mold won't grow on the surface of the persimmons.    


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Bamboo shoot

2011-04-24 | food

It's the season of bamboo shoot now.

One of my husband's relatives owns some bamboo grove and he presents us some bamboo shoots every year.

He gave us some bamboo shoots this year too.

 I boiled them with some rice bran for about an  hour and cooked for dinner this evening.

By the way, bamboo shoot seems to grow fewer than last year because of the weather.

I ate it for the first time in this season.

It was very delicious. 

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Under drying

2009-12-13 | food

  I sometimes see the scenery like this these days while I'm taking a walk.
Farmers are drying Japanese radishes to make pickles.
After they are dried, they put them into a big pickle tab  with salt, rice bran, seeds of gardenia and so on. 
We call this yellow pickled radish Ta-ku-a-n.
They are good eaten with rice.
Japanese people love this pickled radish very much.
By the way, I don't make the  pickled radish .


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Under drying

2008-11-13 | food

Astringent persimmon

  Persimmon trees have many fruits this year.
I eat them every day.
But this astringent persimmon is bitter, so we are trying to make dried persimmon.
We peeled off the skin of this fruit and hang them under the eaves.
Dried persimmon is very delicious, so I'm looking forward to eating them.


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Taste of early summer

2008-07-03 | food

  I was presented some sweet corns and plums the other day from my neighbor.

Sweet corns were in the vegetable field that I often visit while I am taking a walk.
The acquaintance is very good at growing various kinds of vegetables all year round. 
I boiled them.
It tasted very juicy and sweet !

These plums are from another neighbor.
They are sweet as well as sour a little.  

By the way, there are plum trees in my yard.
But they are green and haven't ripen yet.

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Bamboo shoot

2008-04-23 | food

  It is a season of bamboo shoots now. 
Ya-ta district which is near my district  is famous for delicious bamboo shoots. 
Farmers dig up bamboo shoots early in the morning and take it to the shop.
Yesterday my husband bought some bamboo shoots on his way from a hospital where he usually go with Shi-zu sa-n.

I boiled them with some rice bran for about an hour and cooked them for dinner.
They were very soft and delicious.




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First trial

2007-02-27 | food
Yesterday my relative brought us lots of fresh tiny shrimp called 'A-mi' in Japanese.
It weighed as much as 2kg.
In spite of presenting some of them to my neighbors, lots of them was left.
So I asked the way of cooking it to the woman who gave it to me and made a dish called 'Ku-gi-ni'.

First I mixed some sugar, sa-ke and mi-ri-n with soy sauce.
Next I put the shrimp little by little into the boiling seasoned soup.
I also put some ginger.
And I boiled it until there is no soup in the pot.

Though it was my first try, I made it !

I made a dish called 'A-mi da-i-ko-n', boiling radish with this shrimp too.
It was also very delicious !

Mouse on !


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Dried radish

2007-01-24 | food
Because of the warm weather, radish in our vegetable field grew very very big this winter.

I'm making dried radish using them now.
Cold and dry weather is suitable for making it.

I'm making two kinds of dried radish.
One is the radish of picture above and the other is this.

I'll use them for mi-so soup, boiled dish and so on.
Dried radish is very nutritive.
It is rich in vitamins B1・B2, calcium, iron contents and so on.

It is a nice Japanese food that is gentle to our stomach !

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