Let's enjoy English !


In the field

2009-02-27 | plant


 Tomorrow is the last day in February.
It's not so cold this winter and I haven't seen snowfall yet .
Taking a walk in the country path, I see tiny flower of  weeds blooming  in the fields.
These are some of them. 




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The next person

2009-02-21 | Kiva

Pot Marigold

  As my loan to Miss grace came back a few days ago, I loaned $25 to Mrs. Betsabeth who sells food and other merchandise at HUANCAYO  in Peru.
She is planning to sell school supplies in the future.
She borrowed  $700 from 26 person and is planning to repay all the money in six months.

This is my page.

I wish her business work well  and the money repaid through Kiva !

* Please read this.




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Congratulations !

2009-02-17 | Kiva

Christmas rose

  About nine months have passed since I registered in Kiva.
And eight months have passed since I lent $ 25 to Miss grace who is running a grocery store in Ghana.
She was planning to repay all the money in seven months.
Today I found her seventh repayment in her page of Kiva.
100% of my loan was repaid now.
 is my page.

I wish her business work well !

I'm going to lend money someone else, so I must research Kiva homepage.

*Please read this !

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Too warm

2009-02-14 | weather

Japanese narcissus

  It's too warm these days and spring-heralding storm blew yesterday.
The temperature today was that of the beginning of April and it was above 25 ℃ in some parts of Japan.
And we see some kinds of flowers here and there.
Spring is coming too soon !
But according to the weather forecast, it'll be cold again next week.
I was relieved a little to know that.

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Butterbur sprout

2009-02-10 | plant
I found one of the signs of the spring at the backyard of my house.
There used to be lots of butterbur sprouts, but I found very few this year.
I like the smell and the bitterness of this plant.

Mouse on !


I found one in the trunk of very old tree too.
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The first day of spring

2009-02-04 | weather

Buds of Winter Daphne

 Today is one of the 24 seasonal datum points called 'Ri-shu-n'; the first day of spring.

Buds of Poeny

It is very cold yet, but we can feel the sign of spring here and there.
The sunlight seems to becoming brighter and brighter day by day.
And I see buds of trees and flowers too.

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