Let's enjoy English !



2015-01-17 |  creature




 I see many crows for these several days. 

There may be creatures such as angleworm in a cultivated rice paddy and come to eat them.

 Even in the evening they were flying without returning to their nests.

I wonder what on earth happened to them ?

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Soft-shelled turtle

2015-01-17 |  creature



My neighborhood caught a soft-shelled turtle yesterday morning and came to my house to show us.

It was about 30cm from the head to the tail.

Perhaps It was  hibernating in the ditch that is under construction.

The man sold It to a restaurant. 

 How pitiful the turtle is ! 

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Mini To-n-do-ya-ki

2015-01-14 | diary




 We burned the New Year's ornament, old charms and rice cakes that were offered to God and so on this afternoon in my yard.

It is called 'To-n-do-ya-ki' in Japanese.

Burning the ornaments, we wished our good health and happiness this year.

After that, we cooked burned rice cakes and tasted them. 

New year's event is over ! 

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2015-01-10 | plant


  It's very cold these days and I seldom see flowers.

But I see this yellow flower named Roubai in this season every year.

Little yellow flowers look glossy and it smells good. 

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Visit to a shrine 2

2015-01-06 | shrine and temple

January 4

 I went to Ta-ka-ma-stu Sa-i-jyo I-na-ri. 

The path to the shrine was very crowded and my car couldn't run smoothly.


There were lots of people in front of the main shrine. 


It is said smoke of stick of incense makes us healthy.


Votive picture tablet praying for passing school or university.


Many lots are left here.

  The lot I chose was excellent luck, so I kept it in my purse. 



I hope everyone's wish may come true ! 

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First visit to a temple and a shrine

2015-01-03 | shrine and temple

January 1 

gate of a temple



 I went to our family temple to celebrate a new year with my husband.

First, our priest raised a sutra with us.

After that, we enjoyed spiced sake and sweet bean paste soup with rice cakes.

We had a pleasant time chatting and doing lot and so on.

We prayed for having peaceful and a happy lives.



January 2

I prefer pushing a stroller than getting on it ! 


It's fun to climb the stairs.


I'm very interested in children I don't know.
I want to play with them ! 


 It was a very cold and windy day, but I made a first visit to a shrine near my house with my daughter and my grandson .

I requested the God so that we lead a peaceful and happy life this year.

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Happy New Year

2015-01-02 | diary

Happy New Year !

May this year be a happy and peaceful one for all.

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