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Proverb 90

2006-05-31 | proverb

Flower of tangerine

 A man is known by the company he keeps.

There is another proverb like this; 'Birds of  a feather flock together.'




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2006-05-29 | plant

The flowers of this picture are very beautiful.
I've never seen the flower of  Kiwi before.
This tree is in the yard of my neighbor.
Many delicious Kiwi fruits will ripen in fall ! 

Buds of the flowers of Kiwi.



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Proverb 89

2006-05-25 | proverb


 A good beginning is half the battle.

Doing something, the beginning is very important.
Success at the beginning means success of  half. 

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2006-05-23 | plant

 Fruits of fig tree are growing now.
They are green and hard to eat yet.

 I saw a frog on the twig of the tree.
It's cute, isn't it?
I'll see many frogs and hear it's voice from now on. 



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2006-05-22 | plant

Pink roses are blooming in my yard now.


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For summer season

2006-05-20 | animal


I went to a veterinarian to buy a medicine for my dog John.
Every summer season, I give him the medicine once a month from June to December to prevent him from getting an awful disease of filaria.
Bitten by the mosquito, dogs may get filaria.
Some people use the mosquito incense coil to prevent dogs from being bitten by the mosquito, but others use the medicine.

My friend's dog named Lucky.




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Proverb 88

2006-05-17 | proverb

Carolina jasmine

 There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

There are things that is our beyond imagination in the world.
Fact is more strange than fiction !


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2006-05-16 | plant

The flowers of clematis are blooming now.
It was presented years ago as a gift for mother's day by my son.
It has bloomed every year since then.
The color is beautiful to see and the number of the flowers is large.
I'm looking forward to seeing this flower every year.



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Present for Mother's day

2006-05-13 | diary

Hydrangea (Fairy eye)

 Tomorrow is Mother's day.
I was presented this pot of flowers from my son living in Tokyo yesterday.

This is a kind of hydrangeas whose name is 'Fairy eye' grown by Mr. Sakamoto in Gu-n-ma prefecture.
It is said that the flower will change to green-ball in summer and red in fall .
I've never seen this kind of hydrangea, so I will take care of this plant carefully till fall and enjoy the flower.

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Proverb 87

2006-05-10 | proverb

German Iris

 It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.

There is nothing that is bad for everyone.
If one man loses, the other one will get.

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Evening sky 

2006-05-08 | weather

It was a hot and humid day today.
So I saw a snake hanging from a twig of dogwood in my yard for the first time this year.
The weather these days is unstable, so we should take care of our health.

This is the sky about seven in the evening.

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Peony 3

2006-05-06 | plant

Pink peony today.

It's becoming cloudy and will rain this evening.
I must cover the flowers with the thing like umbrella lest they should scatter away.
It rains every year while this flower is blooming.



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Peony 2

2006-05-05 | plant

 Besides red peony, pink one is in full bloom now.
I took the picture today and yesterday.

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2006-05-04 | diary

 Peonies began to bloom in my yard.
There are three kinds of color; red, pink and white.
Pink ones also will bloom soon.
There are saying, ' Paeoniae radix is beautiful when it stands, peony is when sits and  lily when walk.'
It is difficult to say which flower is the most beautiful.



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Proverb 86

2006-05-03 | proverb


 A drowning man will catch a straw.

A man who is in very difficult situation tends to rely on even a thing that is unreliable.

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