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Cluster‐amaryllis ;(Spider lily)

2006-09-28 | plant

  Flowers of Cluster-amaryllis;(Hi-ga-n-ba-na or Ma-n-jyu-sya-ge)  are in full bloom now.
I see a mass of red flowers here and there, along the path and in the field.
The contrast of red and green is so wonderful !

As I took these pictures in the evening, the flowers and the grasses are dyed to the evening sunshine.


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Fallen leaves

2006-09-27 | scenery

 There are two kinds of persimmon trees in my yard.
One is a sweet persimmon tree and the other is an astringent persimmon tree.

The fruits of the persimmon tree began to turn yellow.

And the leaves of them began to fall down.
I found them at the backyard of my house.



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2006-09-26 | plant

 I see various seeds of plants these days.
The picture above is a Dogwood : (Ha-na-mi-zu-ki).
The seeds aren't crimson yet.

And this is the seeds of Ko-mu-ra-sa-ki.
The color of violet is very beautiful.    


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Rose-mallow ; Fu-yo 2

2006-09-22 | plant

Yesterday I wrote about a tree of Rose-mallow which had been cut down.
To my surprise, I happened to see a young tree of  Rose-mallow whose height is about 50 centimetres today.
The picture above is the tree.
I don't know why a young one is growing where once a tall tree was growing.

Now I'm looking forward to see many beautiful flowers bloom on the tree like this tree.


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Harvest season

2006-09-21 | plant
Rice plant Ears of rice plant are growing day by day and they began to turn yellow.
I saw these mushrooms growing on the path while taking a walk.
Perhaps we can't eat this kind of mushroom.
Persimmon Though these persimmons has turned yellow, I don't know if they are sweet or not. I took this picture while walking the other day.
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Rose mallow ; Fu-yo

2006-09-21 | plant

There had been a tree of rose mallow in my yard till the year before last.
But perhaps Shizusn cut down the tree by mistake.
I was disappointed very much as I love the flower.
I happened to see the flower while I was taking a walk the other day and a woman said that she would give me a young tree of Rose mallow.
I was very glad to hear that.
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2006-09-19 | plant
Please click this picture !

Flowers of Ha-gi are in full bloom now.
And the ground looks pink because the fallen petals covered the ground.
This flower is one of the seven flowers in fall.
The name of the seven flowers arel Ha-gi, Su-su-ki(O-ba-na), O-mi-na-e-shi, Na-de-shi-ko, Ki-kyo-u, Ku-zu, Fu-ji-ba-ka-ma.
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Rural scenery in early fall

2006-09-19 | scenery
The day is becoming shorter and shorter and the air cooler and cooler these days.

Typhoon No.13 brought much damage.
For example, a train was derailed by a big tornado, ten people died, a man was missing and many houses were broken down.
After the typhoon has passed away, it is becoming cooler again.

Walking in the evening, I saw a big tree named Se-n-da-n and Japanese pampas trees in the dim.
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Sky in the evening

2006-09-16 | weather

These are the pictures of the evening sky on September 14.
The shape of the clouds was the one of the fall.
Seeing the clouds, I felt the coming of fall.

By the way, a big and strong typhoon No.13 is coming to Japan island now.
I wish there be little damage !

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Proverb 104

2006-09-15 | proverb


 Even a worm will turn.

However tiny and weak the creature is, it has will-power.
So we shouldn't make light of it.   

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2006-09-13 | plant
Mouse on !

These plants of Taro are growing at Shizusan's vegetable field now.
The leaves are big and beautiful to see.
I saw a worm whose name I don't know on one of the leaves.
In late fall, we dig out the roots of this plant and cook with other vegetables like carrot, radish, lotus-root and so on.
We call the dish 'Ni-shi-me' in Japanese.
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It's cool!

2006-09-10 | weather

Japanese pampas grass

Though it was very  humid and hot like mid-summer days yesterday, it becomes very cool after raining today.
It is a season of turning point from hot summer days to a cool fall days, so we can't catch up with the alteration of this climate.
We apt to be sick in spite of the comfortable weather, because our tiredness during summer has been in our health yet.
Please take care!



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2006-09-07 | others
I tried a new skill by referring to this site named パセリ倶楽部 ブログ投稿のの小枝集.
Thanks to it, I managed to succeed, so I'm glad !

SunflowerThis flower is called Sun flower.
We call it Shi-ro-ta-e hi-ma-wa-ri in Japanese.
We see these weeds and flowers along the paths in the countryside.Hi-me-ji-on
PersimmonThe fruits of persimmon tree is growing well. It'll turn to yellow in fall when they ripen.
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Congratulations !

2006-09-06 | diary

 Princess Kiko gave birth to a baby boy this morning by Caesarean section.
They have been reporting about this  news on TV and other media since this morning. 
As there was no young prince who will succeed to imperial throne among the imperial families, they longed for a boy.
So this news became a very happy one.
The new born baby is the third person to succeed to imperial throne.
Though there has been an argument if princess Aiko should succeed to imperial throne or not, 
this problem came to an end for the time being.



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Evening sky

2006-09-03 | weather
Mouse on !

Taking a walk in the evening, I saw the sky like this.
The shape of the clouds caught my eyes.
It's becoming cooler and cooler in the morning and at night, though the sunlight is strong yet during the day.
The air isn't humid but dry, so I feel fine.
It's the beginning of fall !
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