Let's enjoy English !


Let's enjoy English!!

2004-12-31 | diary
I began this blog about six months ago without much thought.

At first, I didn't think so many people would visit mine.
But I found a lot of people came to me every day and I was encouraged very much.
Besides some people gave me nice comments and that was a pleasure for me.

I enjoyed writing in English and taking pictures almost every day though I'm not good at them very much.

This year was a nice year for me.
Thanks a lot to all of you!!

I will continue writing to this blog next year too.
Let's enjoy English !!
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Festive food for the New Year

2004-12-31 | diary
In the afternoon, I made some 'festive food for the New Year.'

These are some of them.

'Cha-ki-n-shi-bo-ri' using sweet potatoes and violet sweet potatoes is made by Shizusan every year.
She put chestnuts in honey too.

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The first snow of the season

2004-12-31 | weather
I woke up to find a silver world this morning!!

On the last day of the year, the first snow of the season fell.
I was surprised a lot as it seldom snows in this area.

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Preparations for a New Year

2004-12-30 | diary
I was busy preparing for a New Year today.

In the morning, I cleaned the rooms and went to our tomb to clean and offer the flowers, water, incense sticks, a New Year's decoration and so on.

In the afternoon, we went shopping fot a New Year.

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New Year decoration 2

2004-12-29 | diary

These decorations are near the finished ones.

The left one is for the entrance and the right simple one is for other places.
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Proverb 18

2004-12-29 | proverb
The pen is mightier than the sword.

For example, the U.S.A. is making their influence by using force in Iraq.
But what really powerful is 'pen'.

It is applicable not only to the U.S.A. in Iraq but also to all over the world.
However strong the force is, it settles nothing.

May the comming year 2005 be the peaceful one !!

Dried roses;(under drying)

It is too cold for these roses to bloom these days.
So I picked them and are making 'dry flower'.
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A tree and the sky

2004-12-28 | scenery

This bare tree and the Sasanqua tree stand side by side.

In contast to the gorgeous Sasanqua, this tree look dreary.
But it is suitable for this season.
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2004-12-28 | plant

This tree is at the 'Yakushi shrine';(O-ya-ku-shi-sa-ma) near my house.
The flowers are in full bloom now.
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A cat in winter

2004-12-27 | animal
This white cat 'Yuki' is usually sleeping in front of the fan- heater all day in winter.

In the picture above, she is on the chair.
She looks like a 'rice cake' !!

And in this picture, she is under the chair.
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2004-12-27 | plant
Yesterday I was presented this flower named 'begonia' by a young lady.

I hadn't seen her for a few years.
So I was surprised a little when she suddenly came to my house with this flower.
But I knew her at a glance though she became a charming lady from a girl.

We talked about her recent situation as well as ours.
We had a good time chatting over a cup of coffee.

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2004-12-26 | animal
A poodle was taking a walk this afternoon.

He wears clothes like a man.
He may be a 'pet' or a 'companion animal' of his house.

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New Year decoration

2004-12-26 | diary
Today we made New Year decorations;(o-ka-za-ri) using rice straws.

Old Shizusan showed us how to make it.

First, we put the straws into the water to be wet.
Second to make them soft, we strike them with a mallet.
And we braid as these pictures.

After weaving the straws like this picture, we straighten them.
Then we arrange or decorate them by putting 'u-ra-ji-ro', ho-n-da-wa-ra', 'da-i-da-i' and so on to them.

We hang these decorations on the door of the entrance, a household Shinto alter, Buddhist alter, in the well, around the tomb and so on.

We are getting ready for the comming New Year doing like this.

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La France

2004-12-24 | food
I was given these fruits as a year-end present.

The name of this fruit is 'La France' and is the special product in Yamagata prefecture.

It doesn't look delicious, but it tastes mellow and sweet.
It is like an apple a little.
The smell is also good.

I like this fruit too.

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House cleaning

2004-12-24 | diary
Soon New year comes, so I am busy in cleaning the house these days.

I cleaned the windows and the bathroom yesterday.
Today I washed the extrator fan and the gas range, cleaned the cupbord, the washing stand and so on.
As there are many other places to be cleaned, so I will do it little by little.

Every year, I think how wonderful it is if I could go to somewhere, for example, a hot spring from the end of the year to the New Year.
Some go abroad during the holidays.

But I have lots of things to do including pounding steamed rice into cakes, making 'festival food for the New Year';(o-se-chi ryo-u-ri).

Every year I spend the holidays similarly.

The sky of this morning

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2004-12-23 | diary
Tomorrow is the day of Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to you !!

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