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The sixteenth person

2018-03-28 | Kiva


 The 15th person I had lent 25 dollar through Kiva in December last year returned the money earlier than scheduled period.

The 16th person  is a member of the Maya woman group that consists of 7 people.  

They will buy various colored thread of high quality to make traditional blouses and so on. 

Scheduled payback period is 8 month.

* This is my page

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Words of a bulletin board 43

2018-03-24 | shrine and temple



A bulletin board was renewed.

“If we think and act seriously, wisdom will be given to us.

If we think and act incomplete, we will complain about the matter.

If we think and act irresponsibly, we will only excuse about it. ”

So we should be serious.


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Words of a bulletin board 42

2018-03-08 | shrine and temple



"Equinoctial week" is coming soon.


  "It's Equinoctial week. I'm relieved

with ancestors spirit."

 When I visit the grave of my ancestors, my feeling is eased.


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