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2018-05-11 | animal
 I came across a big wild boar during my walk yesterday afternoon.
It ran down a small hill of bamboo where our grave is.
I was very surprised and felt awful.
It dashed along the path.
Then it saw a dog and turned the direction and dashed again.
They appear to eat bamboo shoot recently.
And they dig around our graveyard during night heavily. 
We are very in trouble.
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Encounter with wild boars

2016-09-02 | animal


     I happened to see wild boars yesterday evening during my walking.

That was the first time I saw wild boars.

The two wild boars came to the vegetable field around there to eat something the day before yesterday too.

Some men called hunter and two hounds and tried to catch the boars.

They escaped to my rice field and my husband also joined them with a club in his hand.

The battle lasted for an hour and half till it became dark. 

But it ended with a fail.

Don't come down to our territory, please !   

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Appearance of wild boars

2016-08-27 | animal

electric barrier




The rice paddy wasted by a wild boar


 ear of rice


 The wild boars were seen at a human dwelling around the end of last year.

They were wasting  vegetable fields here and there.

I thought it was other people's affairs at that time, but now they come to my rice paddy too. 

They are walking even during the daytime ! 

Some farmers set an electric barrier and other farmers set net.

My husband hasn't done anything yet.



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Can I ask a question ?

2011-04-02 | animal

  Three weeks have passed since the devastating earthquake.

And the accident of nuclear power plants in Fukushima hasn't come to an end  yet.

Is it all right ?  

I'm worried about the problem very much.

There seem to be many difficulties and many people are working very hard now. 

I wish the sooner end of this disaster.  

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Cat in the field

2008-09-26 | animal

It seems to be a season of love for cats because I often hear the cat's cry.
Today I saw a cat sitting under the egg-plant.
Near the cat, I found another cat sleeping in the vegetable field.
On seeing me, it began to run away.

Mouse on !

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The season of love

2008-03-30 | animal

 I saw some swallows flying the other day.
They came back from the south safely and began to make nests here and there.
There are some at the entrance of my house, so I can hear the twittering of the birds.
I wish they could grow their baby birds safely this year too !

  Taking a walk, I sometimes see some pairs of cats.
I sometimes see a tomcat mewing loudly seeking for his partner. 
his pair was sitting silently in the grass field.



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For summer season

2006-05-20 | animal


I went to a veterinarian to buy a medicine for my dog John.
Every summer season, I give him the medicine once a month from June to December to prevent him from getting an awful disease of filaria.
Bitten by the mosquito, dogs may get filaria.
Some people use the mosquito incense coil to prevent dogs from being bitten by the mosquito, but others use the medicine.

My friend's dog named Lucky.




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What are you looking at ?

2005-12-27 | animal

 I took my dog for a walk as usual though it was very cold.

My dog John is very fine these days.
He seems to prefer cold weather to hot one.
And he never goes into his doghouse even at night.
He is always outside.

He wanted to be at this field longer, but I hurried to my house as it was very cold. 




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I miss Yuki !

2005-10-03 | animal


 Long time no see!
How are you getting along?
It's becoming cool a little and I'm fine but I feel lonely these days.


Because one of my families passed away on September 27.
Her name was Yuki.
She lived to be 20 years old.
If she was a man, she was about 100 years old.

She had lived happily in my house, but  she is not here now.

I feel sad .

                                                                                             From John



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Yuki 's favorite 2

2005-08-24 | animal

 My cat 'Yuki'  which  had never gone out of the house for about one year goes out these days.
And she spend all day sleeping on the rock in the yard, and  when it becomes hot or rains a little she is under the tree.
In the evening, we go there to bring her back home.

Now the place is her favorite.





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2005-08-18 | animal
 The other day, I took the pictures of these cats while I was taking a walk in the evening.

This is a kitten yet and was jumping to the leg of the owner again and again.
It looks very !!

This cat was once homeless and was dying.
Fortunately it was saved by my friend.
So she was named 'No-n cha-n'.
Besides my friend took this cat to the veterinarian and the contraception operation was done with the help of money from Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Because of the black mark on the face, it looks awful as well as charming.

Now it is living with other two cats happily.
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Yuki's favorite

2005-07-31 | animal
My cat Yuki likes this basket very much these days.

I had been using the basket for putting various small articles in it.
But my cat began to enter the basket and sit on them, so I gave the basket to Yuki.
Though it is too small for her, she likes it very much now.
A cat likes tight place, but I can't understand her feelings well.

She is sleeping in the basket today too!!

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Badger;(A-na-gu-ma or Mu-ji-na)

2005-07-23 | animal
Taking a walk with my friend in the evening, I happened to see a badger.

It was walking around the swimming pool of a primary school slowly.
I was very surprised to see it, but the badger wasn't surprised at all.
It might be accustomed to man.

I sometimes hear that they appear at night to eat vegetables in the field and farmers are very angry.

I feel again I'm living in the country !!

I first thought taht it was a raccoon dog, but my friend told me that it was a badger.
So I corrected the title of this article;'raccoon dog' to 'badger' on July 28.

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2005-06-13 | animal

My friend has three cats which were once homeless.
This is one of them.
It had the caution when it came to her house, but now it becomes friendly.

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2005-05-18 | animal

Yuki seemsed to be relaxed on the TV set.
Her tail on the screen was an obstruction.

After that she scratched itchy points and was grooming herself.

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