Let's enjoy English !


Too hard

2022-08-24 | diary

Bottle gourd


A field with a mixture of watermelon, cucumber, bottle gourd and sweet potato vines


 These are  Bottle gourds that my husband harvested the other day.

I remembered that my mother-in-law used to make dried gourd.

So I challenged myself to make dried gourd.

But I gave up it at the first stage.

I didn't know that the peel of the bottle gourd was so hard.

I couldn't cut it at all. 

So my husband put a knife on the gourd and hit it with a hammer, and we managed to cut it off.

 I couldn't handle it at all.

At last, we disposed them into the compost.


 By the way, I planted three seedlings of watermelon.

But we harvested watermelon, cucumber and bottle gourd.  

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Flowers of the season

2022-07-16 | diary

balloon flower




sun flower


sun flower




Long time no see.

My brain is dormant because of the sudden heat of  this summer.

In additon, various changes and incidents occurring in the world and Japan make me confusing.

No matter what happens in the human world, the natural world is calm and the flowers are as usual.

So I uploaded some photoes I took recently.

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Glorious spring

2022-04-09 | diary





Thursday, April 7.

I went to a temple called Kokusyouji to see Camellia in the afternoon. 

Fallen flowers were like a red carpet.

The tree is about 300 years old and is designated as a natural monument.

It is the midst of spring and cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Petals of a cherry blossoms were dancing like snow.

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Pruning garden trees

2022-01-23 | diary





We usually have men of  "Senior human resource center" prune our trees in the garden in November. 

They didn't come to my house Last year.

I had forgotten to apply there in April, so I called there in December.

And they came to my house yesterday.

It was fine and windless though it was a cold day.

Pruning in the cold and windy day is a hard work, so I was relieved.

My Japanese garden became clean and beautiful !

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Happy new year.

2022-01-02 | diary


Happy new year !

May this year be a happy one.

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Happy new year !

2021-01-02 | diary

Happy new year !

May this year be a happy one.

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Flower garden in West Zao

2020-06-18 | diary


' I'm thinking about flowers in my garden every day and night. Twenty years have passed since I moved here.'

I'll introduce my friend's flower garden.

Please enjoy it !

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Ornamental tile

2020-01-13 | diary

We took down this ornamental tile called 'Mr Ebisu' which was on the top of the roof when we broke down our warehouse last year.

It was a ridge-end tile, so we had been thinking that it was something shaped like a Damon.

Mr. Ebisu is one of the Seven Gods of Good Luck and the only Japanese God with a fishing rod in the right hand and a red snapper in the left hand.  

This tile was on the top of the roof foe more than 100 years, so it's mossy.

By the way, I hope 2020 be a gentle year and blessing may be brought to everyone ! 

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Dissolution of the warehouse 3

2019-11-14 | diary

 November 11th Monday

They cleaned these pieces of woods and dirt .

It rained during the night, so they could escaped from the dust a little.



 November 10th Sunday

 Two men came to my house from the senior human resource center in the morning and pruned the trees that was not done on the previous day.

They finished before noon.

My garden became nice. 

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Dissolution of the warehouse 2

2019-11-13 | diary


 November 9th Saturday

After  removing roofing tiles, they broke down the warehouse by using heavy industry machinery. 

They captured three viper or poisonous snake there.     



Two men came to prune trees of our garden on that day from senior human resource center.

Another man came around noon.

 About four or five men came every year.

They seemed to be very busy this year.

So  they couldn't finish our all trees.

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Dissolution of the warehouse

2019-11-12 | diary



  This warehouse was built about 110 years ago.

Outer walls began to fall down, the roof leaks when it rains and the floors began to go through.

So we decided to break the warehouse down.

First, they began to remove roofing tiles on 8 November.

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New template

2019-11-03 | diary

Japanese toad lily

   Recently I realized some goo bloger's template are different from mine.

Goo blog seems to have renewed the blog. 

In March 2019, they commemorate 15th anniversary of goo blog and they started some new services.

The template is one of them.

So I also changed my template from old one to new one "flat template".

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Long time no see !

2019-09-30 | diary




Rice field around us is like this now.

Rich autumn has come .

It's October tomorrow.

Various affairs and events happened one after another.  

They are too many to remind.

But the topic of rugby makes us happy.

By the way, strong and big typhoon number 18 is approaching now.

We should be careful !

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Story telling and a concert of Chinese fiddle

2019-07-29 | diary




I went to an event of story telling and the concert of Chinese fiddle with my friend.

The story teller performed  "Salamander" by Masuji Ibuse and "Fry" by Riichi Yokomitsu.

 And the Chinese fiddle players played "Amazing Grace" and "Home" and so on. 

It was my first experience.

 It was held at Yunoki house which is a national registration cultural asset in Tamashima, Kurashiki city.

It was a brief moment but it was an extraordinary experience.

To touch literature and art makes me rich in mind. 

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Summer has come !

2019-07-25 | diary



Rainy season ended at this area too.

It's very hot !

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