日本製紙、豪3位を買収 内需企業、海外に活路 国際M&A業界最大級 円高進行追い風に
Nippon Paper Group Inc. is considering buying Australian Paper as part of efforts to expand its overseas business.Nippon Paper Group is ranked as the second paper maker in Japan and Australian Paper is the third largest paper manufacturer in Australia.This M&A is the largest ever scale.As demand for paper in the domestic market does not expand more,the company has been seking to full-fledgedly advance to foreign countries. The deal this time is done with strong yen's meritused.This is a showcase of efforts of domestic demand-oriented companies facing difficulties in their business operations due to domestic economy's sharp deterioation and declining birthrate. Most of them are seeking growth opportunity in the Asia and Oceania less influenceed by the current financial crisis than other areas.
Nippon Paper Group Inc. is considering buying Australian Paper as part of efforts to expand its overseas business.Nippon Paper Group is ranked as the second paper maker in Japan and Australian Paper is the third largest paper manufacturer in Australia.This M&A is the largest ever scale.As demand for paper in the domestic market does not expand more,the company has been seking to full-fledgedly advance to foreign countries. The deal this time is done with strong yen's meritused.This is a showcase of efforts of domestic demand-oriented companies facing difficulties in their business operations due to domestic economy's sharp deterioation and declining birthrate. Most of them are seeking growth opportunity in the Asia and Oceania less influenceed by the current financial crisis than other areas.