車制御ソフト 車・電機73社が共通化 トヨタがまず採用 開発費抑え価格安く欧州勢とも規格で連携
As many as 73 domestic vehicle and electric machinery companies shuch as Toyota and Hitachi will share with each other the softwares electronically controlling vehicle engine, brake and others.Within the year,they are to establish its standards, and in 2010 Toyota is planning to first put on sale the car with such equipment.This is aimed at curbing development costs of the car. Another effort is seen in the cooperation between the Japanese corporate consortium and European auto makers in development of new cars and standards establishment.
As many as 73 domestic vehicle and electric machinery companies shuch as Toyota and Hitachi will share with each other the softwares electronically controlling vehicle engine, brake and others.Within the year,they are to establish its standards, and in 2010 Toyota is planning to first put on sale the car with such equipment.This is aimed at curbing development costs of the car. Another effort is seen in the cooperation between the Japanese corporate consortium and European auto makers in development of new cars and standards establishment.