from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年08月01日 09時35分32秒 | 新聞記事から
イオンとセブン&アイ PB原料、自前で調達 食品・衣料 値下げ加速へ 規模生かしコスト圧縮

According to sources, AEON Co.,Ltd. and Seven & i Holdings Co.,Ltd. likely will launch on independently purchasing materials for their so-called PB products. Specifically, in its food business AEON will secure wheat flour in its own right to supply its makers with it.In the case of Seven & i Holdings, a department store and a supermarket chain operator under its umbrella will be in charge of procurement of clothing materials in bulk buying.
In each case, the prices will be about half those of maker brand products.
From now on, the move to further cut prices in PB products seems to accelerate among big retailers by using their scale merits.
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from today Nikkei

2009年08月01日 09時18分19秒 | 新聞記事から
自民、政権公約を発表 景気回復を最優先 10年度後半 2%成長目指す 消費増税は「経済好転後」 子育て支援拡充

The Liberal Democratic Party announced Friday its political pledges, or a manifesto for the upcoming House of Representatives election on August 30.They prioritize economic recovery the most, with the pledges stipulating that the economic growth of about 2 percent a year should be realized in the latter half of fiscal 2010. As to the consumption tax rate revision, they say that it should be considered after the economy gets on a full-fledgedly recovered path. Regarding child-rearing assistance program, they cleary say that they will expand it.
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