from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年06月20日 18時33分10秒 | 新聞記事から
武田がインフルワクチン 米社と提携 14年出荷めざす

According to sources close to the matter,Takeda Phramaceutical Com. will launch on producing influenza vaccine. Specifically, it will have a tie-up with U.S. medicine maker Baxter International Inc. to introduce cutting-edge technology in the field ,aiming at the first shipment of the products into the market in 2014.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年06月20日 18時06分15秒 | 新聞記事から
中国人民銀 小幅上昇容認へ G20前に改革姿勢強調 人民元「弾力性を強調」

People's Bank of China, the central bank of China, announced on Saturday that it will enhance the flexibility of the yuan's exchange rate. The central bank of China has been putting the renminbi fixed to the dollar virtually since July,2008, but it likely will change its stance to again allow the yuan to fluctuate in the currency exchange market. But the marging of its fluctuation is expected to be a limited one. The announcement this time is believed for China to take a posture of showing a positive satnce for its currency exchange rate before the Grpoup of 20 summit held in Canada from 26 this month.
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