子育て支援策地方に裁量 政府検討 関連予算を一括交付 財源確保 課題
The government has been working out the revision of its current support measures for people's child raising.And on Wednesday some of the draft was made public. According to it,the governmet will give all of its finance resources related to child-raising measures to local governments of cities,towns and villages, and will give such local governments discretionary powers to give reidents necessary srevices suitable to each region. But the bottle line here is to secure financial resources to provide enough services.
The government has been working out the revision of its current support measures for people's child raising.And on Wednesday some of the draft was made public. According to it,the governmet will give all of its finance resources related to child-raising measures to local governments of cities,towns and villages, and will give such local governments discretionary powers to give reidents necessary srevices suitable to each region. But the bottle line here is to secure financial resources to provide enough services.