from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年06月23日 10時18分44秒 | 新聞記事から
中古住宅に評価指標 国交省 価格や改修履歴 取引活性化

Acoording to sources, the Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism will work out the indexes for evaluating already-men-lived houses in order to promote buying and selling of so-called already-used houses. The indexes are expected to be made public from April next year. Accordng to the ministry's plan, the information on the properties will be gathered and made public. It includes histories of repairs and prices. Such information will be coverd nationwide, which has never been seen up to date.
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the book I would like to reccomend

2010年06月23日 10時17分49秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
研究社 英語の数量表現辞典 ㈱研究社発行 値段は2 or 3 千円台です。この本お勧めです。一度書店で手に取って見てください。
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from today's Nikkei

2010年06月23日 09時55分47秒 | 新聞記事から
東芝、フォードに供給 ハイブリッド車専用 米に新工場 基幹部品の競争激化

According to sources,Toshiba Corporation has decided to supply U.S. automobile company Ford Motor Co. with driving motors, which are exclusively used for hybrid cars and key parts for such type of vehicles,on a large -lot-scale basis. Specifically,Toshiba will build a new plant in the U.S. for producing the motors, which will be scheduled to be installed in new Ford cars expected to be mass-produced from 2012. Judging that the demand for vehicle motors including those for electricity cars will be increasing, Toshiba has forestalled other electricity machinery makers in expading the business.
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