from August 16 Nikkei

2010年08月18日 11時16分09秒 | 新聞記事から
政府、インフラ投資促進 官民ファンド創設へ 外環道・関空に活用検討 呼び水資金、国が拠出

The government has started to discuss how to establish a new fund with a public-private tie-up with a view to promoting infrastructure investments.Aomng the ideas of its utilization is one that it should be positively utilized in the projects of the Tokyo Outer Loop Road costruction and the Kansai International Airport maintenance.

Given the current situation that securing the source of money of an investment has been getting increasingly difficult, new way of securing the source is needed, like the way helping the scheme of PFI (private finance initiative).

In the thoughts of people concerned, by the government's providing pump-priming fund the environment will be created that many of megabanks,firms, and individual investors could more easily give their money to each project asked.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年08月18日 11時03分14秒 | 新聞記事から
出力3割増の新型原発 既存設備更新にらみ開発 30年運転開始 経産省方針 中国などにも売り込み

According to sources,the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry has now a plan to develop a new type of nuclear reactors having a capacity of electric power generation 30 percent more than the conventional type, which would be the world's highest level at 1.8 million kilowatts. The new type is expected to be provided commercially by the year of 2030.This is the ministry's policy.

The capacity will increase by about 80 percent compared with the current type of reactors.

Based on the state's policy of nuclear energy, the new types will be used for replacement of about 30 nuclear reactors currently operated at home and also will be marketed overseas like in China and India.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年08月18日 10時00分26秒 | 新聞記事から
日本電産 米社モーター事業買収 エマソンから 600~700億円で 海外へのM&A加速

According to sources, Nidec Corporation will take over the motor business of a U.S. major electrical machinery maker Emerson Electric Company,based in Missouri, the U.S.,with an estimated investment of 60 to 70 billion yen.

With this deal, Nidec aims to enhance its share in the world market of motors for households and industries and to enter into the business related to big motors used for plants and others so that it is able to establish a footing as a general maker of motors.

There is a posibility that domestic companies's merger and acquisition bids of foreign companies are getting momentum.
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