from August 22 Nikkei

2010年08月26日 21時44分15秒 | 新聞記事から
日本のベンチャー アジア新興市場に上場 10社以上準備 現地で事業拡大

Japanese firms with venture capital are, one after another, going to list their stocks in stock exchanges in Asia.

Avoiding Japan where there is no popularity among market players in IPO (Initial Public offering), they have chosen foreign stock exchanges in South Korea and Taiwan where there is a recovered popularity in IPO and a brisk trading of stocks. More than ten Japanese companies will have applied for listing their stocks there by the end of March next year.

With their publicity enhanced in each country by the listing of their stocks, they aim to exploit the deal in their business there.
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from August 23 Nikkei

2010年08月26日 20時57分01秒 | 新聞記事から
トヨタ・ミサワが新型住宅 太陽光・熱で蓄電 エネルギー自給自足 消費も自動制御

Toyota Motor Corporation and Misawa Houses Company has announcced that they will have a tie-up and jointly develop the next generation houses where necesarry energy is provided on a self-sufficient basis.Specifically,they are going to produce energy more than the consumption of a house by making use of sunshine or solar heat. Another model envisaged now is that energy within the household is automatically controlled, expected to be commercially realized in 2011.
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from August 24 Nikkei

2010年08月26日 20時18分00秒 | 新聞記事から
概算要求 政権公約 見直し相次ぐ 来年度予算 財源難で現実路線 与党内には増額論も

The outline of major ministries and agencies's requests for the fiscal 2011 budget was made public on Monday. According to it, it is clear that the government is going to actually revise a number of DPJ' political pledges such as toll-free expressways and child-rearing allowance, issued as the party's manifestows at the the House of Representatives election last year.

This means the government has shifted to a realistic way because it faces difficulty securing the sources of money for such political promises.

Meanwile there are still strong voices in the DPJ seeking to increase budgetary requests for the party's political pledges. So, there might be twists and turns in the run-up to the end of year when the budgetary compilation is completed.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2010年08月26日 15時34分00秒 | 新聞記事から
円急伸、一時83円台 デフレに追い打ち 日経は9000円台割れ 株下落、日本が突出

The yen's appreciation and stock price declining are going on now. On the 24th in Tokyo the yen soared temporarily reaching the level of 83 yen against the dollar.

To be more detail,the trading came to be at 83.72 yen per one dollar, a record high in 15 years and four months.

Concerning the stock market,the Nikkei Stock Average fell below the threshold of 9,000 yen for the first time in one year and four months.

These are the results from a bleak outlook on the U.S. economy. And, on an elimination basis people are buying the yen.And the yen's appreciation makes people think that Japanese companies, especially export-oriented ones, would suffer from the situation, resulting in such firms' stock price decling.

Lack of the government's policy disliked by market players, stock price plunges of Japanese companies are very conspicuous everywhere in the world markets other than in Tokyo.

This will mean hiting another blow to the current deflation in Japan.And there is no seeing the exit from it,at present.
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from today's Nikkei

2010年08月26日 14時29分00秒 | 新聞記事から
円高、企業が緊急対策 ソニー 欧米で値上げ 海外シフト加速も ホンダ 四輪車の部品輸入 三菱重 円建て支払い要請

As the yen's appreciation is going on now, major domestic companies are going to take an emergency measure against the higher yen such as revamping their production schemes. Specifically,Honda Motor Company has decided to increase purchasing the components from oveaseas for four-wheek vehicles, while Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will ask their client firms to pay the bill in yen.

In another case, Sony likely will raise its retail prices overseas in Europe and the U.S. to cope with the situation.

Whle there is an unusual yen's appreciation going on now higher than most firms have expected, there is no effective measures by the government. So, companies have to take a self-helping measure for going through the situation.

There is also a possibility that companies would promote transferring their production bases from at home to overseas with these circumstances expected to be continued.
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