濃縮ウラン 官民で備蓄 原発燃料を安定確保 新興国へ供給保証も
According to sources, the government is likely to begin to store enfriched uranuim used for neclear power generation getting support from the private sector,starting in fiscal 2011. According to its plan, they are going to get a total of 120 tons of enriched uranium over the five years.Under the program they seek to secure fuels in a constant basis with an eye to securing a stable supply of energy. They also envisage supplying emerging economies with such a stable source of energy.
According to sources, the government is likely to begin to store enfriched uranuim used for neclear power generation getting support from the private sector,starting in fiscal 2011. According to its plan, they are going to get a total of 120 tons of enriched uranium over the five years.Under the program they seek to secure fuels in a constant basis with an eye to securing a stable supply of energy. They also envisage supplying emerging economies with such a stable source of energy.