from yesterday's Nikkei

2011年01月20日 21時09分06秒 | 新聞記事から
既卒者の採用拡大 トヨタ・双日、新卒扱いに 三菱ケミカルは最大半数

Among big companies there has been spreading a movement that within the decided number of emplyment of newgraduates they will employ the youth who have already graduated from universities or colleges. Specifically, in Toyota Motor Corporation,Sojitsu Corporation and The Kansai Electric Power Company,Incorporated they will deem the people who have graduated within the range of three years as new graduates from the employment from the spring of 2012.And in the companies under the umbrella of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Coropration they are going to hire the already-graduated young up to the half of their employment of new graduates in the spring of 2012. Given such circumstances there might be a severer competion among the young for getting a job.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年01月20日 21時08分36秒 | 新聞記事から
日野自、本社工場を閉鎖 20年めど茨城移管 トラック生産再編 国内能力は倍増 新興国を開拓

According to sources, Hino Motors,Ltd. has decided to realign its domestic truck production scheme.
Gradually transferring the production capability from its present headquarters plant located in Hino,Tokyo to a plant slated to be newly built in Furukawa, Ibaraki Prefecture, they will close the headquarters plant by 2020. After the tgransfer, its domestic production capacity increase to double the present at the 200 thousand unit level.
With production efficiency also significantly improved, they aim to position the new plant as a low-cost base for exporting eco-friendly trucks. Even though the high yen seems to continue,they seek to dig out demand in emerging economies while maintaining its domestic production at a certain level.
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