次世代電力計 全国共通に 自由化後の競争促す 経産省
According to the people concerend,the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will start to discuss how to make standard specifications usable nationwide for the next generation power meter,smart meter. Power retail business is now actually monopolized by each local power company, but after the liberalization of the business is realized,setting up such specifications will certainly make the business environment more flexible. To be more clear, any power company could participate in the business wherever the service area is.
According to the people concerend,the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry will start to discuss how to make standard specifications usable nationwide for the next generation power meter,smart meter. Power retail business is now actually monopolized by each local power company, but after the liberalization of the business is realized,setting up such specifications will certainly make the business environment more flexible. To be more clear, any power company could participate in the business wherever the service area is.