修正版 from today's Nikkei

2013年09月15日 21時31分32秒 | 新聞記事から

羽田・成田発着を拡大 五輪へインフラ整備 鉄道・高速道路も 20年五輪、東京決定
In accordance with the IOC's decision of the 2020 Olympic host city to Tokyo, Jpan, Jpan's implementation of the reconstruction of the metropolitan area's transportation infrastructure will begin soon. Among lots of ideas, the top priority will be placed on increase of the number of flights which land at both the Narita and Haneda airports as well as depart from both of them trough the efforts like increasing the number of runways there. Another top priority is believed to be put on the maintenace and renewal of highways and railway's networks in Tokyo and its neighbouring cities.

The above was written Spetember 10.

With Tokyo decided as the host city for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics, the reconstruction of transportation networks in the metropolis is expected to begin soon.What should be addressed first is the increase in the number of depature and landing slots at Haneda and Narita airports.Realizing this entails increasing the number of runways at both airports. Another priority is maintenance or renewal of highways and railway's networks in Tokyo and neighboring cities.


出だしは、After the IOC's decision of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics host city to Tokyo, と前置詞afterを使う方が自然かもしれない。
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