日本勢 アジアで善戦 本社ブランド調査 スマホなど劣性 デジカメ キャノン テレビ ソニー1位
The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in the Asian six major countries, targeting as many as 12 goods and services.According to the result of the survey,Japanese companies are proven to be very much competent,for Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. are ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.
The above was first written on September 6.
The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in six countries in Asia, targeting as many as 12 goods and services. According to the result,Japanese firms are competent in some areas, with Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.
コメント:理由を後追いで説明していくときに使う接続詞for は難しいかもしれない。
The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in the Asian six major countries, targeting as many as 12 goods and services.According to the result of the survey,Japanese companies are proven to be very much competent,for Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. are ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.
The above was first written on September 6.
The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in six countries in Asia, targeting as many as 12 goods and services. According to the result,Japanese firms are competent in some areas, with Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.
コメント:理由を後追いで説明していくときに使う接続詞for は難しいかもしれない。