見直し from today's Nikkei

2013年09月16日 09時02分35秒 | 新聞記事から
日本勢 アジアで善戦 本社ブランド調査 スマホなど劣性 デジカメ キャノン テレビ ソニー1位

The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in the Asian six major countries, targeting as many as 12 goods and services.According to the result of the survey,Japanese companies are proven to be very much competent,for Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. are ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.

The above was first written on September 6.


The Niikei Shinmbun has carried out the survey as to "the brand you want to buy" in six countries in Asia, targeting as many as 12 goods and services. According to the result,Japanese firms are competent in some areas, with Canon Inc. and Sony Corp. ranked top in the degital camera and the televison set sections,respectively. But,U.S.companies like Apple Inc. are strong in the digital electronic appliances section such as smart phone, and German companies have taken the lead in the automobile section,it is learned.

コメント:理由を後追いで説明していくときに使う接続詞for は難しいかもしれない。
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見直し from Spetember 5 Nikkei

2013年09月16日 08時51分41秒 | 新聞記事から
インフラ長寿命へ新技術 三井住友建 橋の耐久性100年 JR東、トンネル補強安く
Some of domestic general major contractors and material manufacturers are going to launch the implementation of new technology by which infrastrucrures like bridges and tunels are made longer in terms of their duration periods. Specifically, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation has completed its new technology for extending the bridge duration period by up to 50 years by repairing them with carbon fibers used, and will put the technology in practice for those on express highways. Another company is Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co.,Ltd.,which has almost developed a technology for building the bridge whose service lif is more than 100 years. East Japan Railway Co. also is now tackling the enhancement of strength of their tunnels.

The above was first written on Spetember 5.

Some of leading general contractors and material manufacturers at home are gearing up their eforts to put their new technologies into parctice. They all aim to make the service duration peroods of the infrastructure like bridge and tunnels longer than ever before. Specifically, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation has completed a new technology in extending the service span of the bridge. They can extend the period by up to 50 yeras by repairing the bridge with carbon fibers. It is considered very useful when this technology should be applied to the brides built on the express highways. Another firm making efforts now is Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co. It has almost finished the development of a technology. The technology is expected to be used in building the bridge. The service life of the bridge would be more than 100 years, they say.East Japan Railway Co. is other firm making efforts in this field. They are now enhancing the tunnels' strength.
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見直し from today's Nikkei

2013年09月16日 08時11分16秒 | 新聞記事から
賃上げ促す 減税措置拡充 政府検討 法人税「給与増5%」緩和 脱デフレ家計に分配

Accorfing to sources, the government has launched a deliberation of how to expand the corporate tax reduction system which helps companies raise wages for their emplyees. Under the present requiremnts, if a firm increases its total pay for wages by more than 5 % from that in fiscal 2012, it becomes eligible for the tax reduction. The central pillar of the revision this time is believed to be easing such requiremnts. The adminstration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe puts its top priority in making Japanese economy get out of a vicious deflationary cycle. And the move comes amid a hightened intention of the administration to put into practice conctrete measures and make accumulated profits domestic firms have acuumulted thanks to a recent favorable business environment like a weaker yen delivered back to the household sector.

The above was first written on September 8.

The government has decided to launch a concrete study of the revision of the corporate tax reduction.Finally,it aims to create a business environment helping firms raise their payrolls. Under the tax reduction at present, if a company increases its pay for its employees by more than 5 % from that in fiscal 2012, it becomes eligible for the tax reduction. According to people concerned, the central pillar would be to ease such requirements. To make Japanese economy get out of a vicious deflatonary cycle is the top priority of the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. There are lots of firms in recent months seeing their profits accumulated thanks to tailwind factors including a weaker yen. The decision came on the back of the administration's hightened will to put a concrete measure into practice as soon as possible in making accumulated profits in the corporates' safes delivered back to the employees' wallets.

コメント:前置詞of を使って名詞句をつくることを好む自分の性格が少し出たように思われる。
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修正版 from September 7 Nikkei

2013年09月16日 07時03分22秒 | 新聞記事から
米緩和縮小の影響監視  世界経済「下振れリスク」 G20首脳宣言 シリア問題は言及なし

The summit meeting of leaders from the Group of 20 nations and regions in the world, including Japan,Europe and the U.S., closed on the evening of September 6 (nightof the same day Japan time ),issuing a joint communique. According to the communique,the leaders agreed in their awareness that there is still a possibility that the world economy would go downward, and also that they have to watch fallout of the upcoming change of U.S. monetary policy toward shrinkage of its easing policy, for there is a concern that the U.S. policy change would give a significant effect to the so-caled emerging economies. There is no reffering to the Syrian issue in the communique because the opinions of leaders have remained divided.

The above was written September 8.


The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward reducing easing elements because the Washington's change would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.

The summit meeting of the Group of 20 nations and regions closed Spetember 6, and issued a joint communique. According to the statement, the leaders agreed there is still a possibility global economy go downward, and then that they have to carefully watch the proceeding of U.S. monetary policy going toward easing one in the coming months. There was a concern among leaders that Washington's change of policy would give a significant effects to the emerging economies.Concerning the Syrian problem, leaders could not get to the consensus, so there is nor referring to it in the document.
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