from today's Nikkei

2013年11月28日 18時54分11秒 | 新聞記事から
LNG1特需2兆円 輸送船建造 シェールガスに対応  20年までに90隻

Lately there is a move that domestic maritime shipping companies are ordering lots of shipping vessels for liquefied natural gas (LNG) thanks to the situation that demand for LNG is expected to increase in the future. Specifically, according to their plans, such LNG ships are to increase 50% more, or 90 ships, than the present by the year 2020. The total amount of their nvestments is estimated to be \2 trillion. This move is what they have decided after delibearting on the enegy industry's recent situatin and future prospect that shale gas from the U.S. will be imported to Japan in the near future and a big -scale production facility for LNG will start its operarion in Australia.
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