from today's Nikkei

2011年07月15日 08時10分27秒 | 新聞記事から
「3年以内に海外移転」4割  円高懸念 電力対策、過半が要望  景気持ち直し「年内」72%

According to the data from a survey of 100 presidents in Japan, about 40% of the presidents answered that they will have to move their production facilities to overseas within the next 3 years if higher yen continues and decreasing corporate tax rate fails to be realized. There has spread a concern among people concerned that they could not maintain their domestic production scheme due to rolling power shortage problem. Straying in the energy policy as well as shelving political issues in domestic politics is spurring their concerns.

As to the economic recovery from the March 11 earthquake,72% replied domestic economy will recover within the year.
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2011年07月14日 19時30分20秒 | 新聞記事から
円高圧力強まる懸念 一時79円 欧米財政リスク続く 輸出競争力低下の恐れ

Against the backdrop of the European financial debts,higher yen pressure has been strengtheing recently.
At an overseas market Tuesday, the yen increased temporarily at the lower 79 yen level a dollar and at around the middle of the 109 yen level a yuro, which has been the highest in the past some 4 months. US financial worries added,money wanting to avert market risk has run into the yen buying. As already the yen is higher that most companies expected, there will be a possibility that the situation will prevent Japanese companies from getting recovered due to the decling of export compatitiveness if it lasts long time.
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from today's Nikkei

2011年07月14日 18時39分23秒 | 新聞記事から
トヨタ 国内生産維持へ再編 車体2社、完全子会社に 円高定着、効率化急ぐ

Toyota Corporation announced Wednesday that it will make its two subsidiaries of auto-body makers, Toyota Auto Body and Kanto Auto Works,which are both listed in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, completely controlled subsidiaries in January, 2012. Amid the situation that higher yen has been the norm, in order to maintain the 3 million unit domestic production scheme, relationship among companies should be changed from production consignments to more devised one, they seem to judge. Recently, in the global markets, there has appeared new rivals, for example, from South Korea. Given such condition the Toyota management has decided to make a further alignment in the group management pursuing efficiency.
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2011年07月10日 08時52分20秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
「英語の発音の解説コーナー」を私が代表を務めるNPOのホームページに載せました。 でアクセスし、「お知らせ」欄をご覧ください。
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