
A cicada
And round sun
Are singing
玄関を出て西空を眺めると強烈な西陽で、でもその中に丸くて赤オレンジの太陽があったのです。うわー赤いぜ! 丸いぜ! と思ったのですが、アイホンカメラでは写せず。昨日はアッチの木コッチの木でツクツクボウシが鳴いてました…。猛暑の残暑。
When I got out of my house, looked up in the western sky, there was the red orange round sun with strong sunlight in the evening. Oh, Red! Round! I'd like to take s photo but my iPhone camera didn't work well. There were many cicadas (Meimuna opalifera) singing. It was late-summer heat of the summer heat.

A cicada
And round sun
Are singing
玄関を出て西空を眺めると強烈な西陽で、でもその中に丸くて赤オレンジの太陽があったのです。うわー赤いぜ! 丸いぜ! と思ったのですが、アイホンカメラでは写せず。昨日はアッチの木コッチの木でツクツクボウシが鳴いてました…。猛暑の残暑。
When I got out of my house, looked up in the western sky, there was the red orange round sun with strong sunlight in the evening. Oh, Red! Round! I'd like to take s photo but my iPhone camera didn't work well. There were many cicadas (Meimuna opalifera) singing. It was late-summer heat of the summer heat.