日乗 diary - 落としモノ:番外編 御守りa lost charm

2016年09月12日 | 日記

When a charm is dropped(lost)
On the ground
It means that it's vicarious

しかしこれは未開封。未使用? あでも汚したくなくって、ビニールに入れたままにしていた、とか。いずれにしても、事故などに合わずに済んでいるはず…タブンきっとそうでしょう。

When I see a lost ( dropped ) charm on anywhere, I think that this owner might have been safe. Owners would think about their lost, damn it. But I believe that they would avoid some troubles, save their lives for that. It's difficult for them (us) to know what would have happened...
Oh? About this (Japanese traditional style ) charm, it's praying for avoiding to get accident by transports (traffic safety). It seems new, but just for keeping clean with a plastic cover? Anyway, I believe that the owner must be safe.
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