
Such an faithful dog
He(she?) is waiting for
His owner
キラキラしたおめめでこちらを見つめて…随分とフレンドリーなワンちゃんだこと、と思ったんですが、いやこれは、後ろにあるスーパーで買い物中のオトサン(オカシャン?)を待ってルンです! ってことなんだな…とすぐに気が付いて、ほんの少しのガッカリと犬の一途な思いが分かってそれに心がじんわりとしたキモチが合わさってなんにもなく去るということが出来ず…の一枚なのでした。
He(she?) was giving me a friendly smile, oh, lovely dog! But soon I understood the fact, he must have been his owner who was doing shopping at the supermarket behind me. Oh, I was disappointed with it ( he wasn't giving me... ) but I'm impressed by his faithful for the owner, I couldn't just pass by, I photographed one.