
I felt a bit wired
When I saw a mark of the metro
Why it was on the road
何か何か周辺がガサガサしていて、騒音を図る装置も壁に掲げられていて、地域(野良?)猫がゴハンをもらってたポイ場所も撤去され(その猫は何処へ行ったのか…) ビルの足元と道路のスキマに居たスキマ草も壁に阻まれ見えなくなりました(コレが再開発?)。その日の朝、何となく何となくですが、彼らと目が合ったような気がしたんですが、それは次の日に出現していた壁を見て後から頭の中で作ったストーリーということかも知れないです。
Feeling noisy & busy around here, there is a device for measuring a volume of clutter, a place where a few of cats might have been fed by some cat-loving has been moved away(where did they go...), many Sukima-soh that lived at the edge of the buildings, between the road (or the side ditch) have been behind the walls...(for renewal?). On that day, in the morning, I felt...just felt I got eye contacts with them. I think that I may create a story like a fairy tale after I knew the fact, there were the wall.