
A butterfly
Is flying down
I'm eating a persimmon
とある朝、めざましテレビの「きょうのわんこ」を見終わってほっこりしていると、上の方から茶系の紙くずみたいなモノがヒラヒラ…っと落ちて来ました。なにごと? っと思って見つめていると、それは下の座布団の端に着地し、よく見るとなんとまあ「蝶(蛾?)」…でした。おやまあ。
(何かが異空間から現れた…? とか一瞬思っちまいました。テヘ)
へえ何処から? と思いましたが、外に干した洗濯物にくっ付いていたのかも知れません。
One morning I was relaxed after watching "Today's Wanko( dog )" on Mezamashi (wake up) of Fuji television. From around the ceiling, something like a piece of brown crushed paper...softly flew down... and then reached at the edge of Zabuton ( cushion ). Looked at it carefully, it was a butterfly. Oh, dear!
( I thought what happened was... something like Hurry Potter, appeared from the another world through the opened hole. :) )
In the real life, where did the butterfly come from? I guess that he(she) was on the washing clothes that hanging in the room, they were outside yesterday. He was trapped to the room with them?
In these days, we had warm and cold days every day, it's been changing fast... he also got tired with it.
I let him go out side. I hope he will find a safe place for passing winter.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.