
I saw one sparrows
On the close
I was happy but
これこれ、これでしょう? 狭い路地に並ぶ植木鉢。その植木鉢の周りをチュンチュンとエサを探すスズメ…たち、と言いたいところですが、会えたのは1羽。いないよりマシ?
This is... what I'd like to say! There is a narrow close, lots of flowerpots, and then sparrows! Oh, just one sparrow, anyway, it's better than nothing, isn't it?
I was happy to see her(him), I believed it would be a nice day, even it's a work day but it wasn't.
It's hard... to get money.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.