リフォーム徒然なるままに Reform turezure naru-mamani


Why is the number of people infected and dead by the Wuhan virus smaller in Japan than in the West?

2020-05-29 15:15:21 | Weblog

This site is a machine translation of the following Japanese sites.


どうして、日本は「武漢ウィルス」による感染者数、死亡者数が欧米に比べて少ないのか?  その答えが分からないようでは、チコちゃんに叱られる (^_^)


It seems that there is a mistranslation, so please see the original site above if you feel any doubt.



The reason why the number of people infected and dead by the Wuhan virus in Japan is lower than in the West has become a hot topic, especially in the Western media.

The answer is that Japan has less ties to China than the countries of the United States, Europe and AIIB.


In other words, the measures against the new coronavirus (Wuhan virus) that Prime Minister Abe was excited about were not good.


It will be a little longer, but let's explain.


Japan Why, speaking or was weak ties with China (Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party), a large two-fold.


First, China's previous administration had to divert dissatisfaction centered around poverty toward the Communist Party of China.

Especially in rural areas, not in urban areas.

So what happened?

It took a hostile policy against Japan.

Specifically, I conducted anti-Japanese education by using the fact that there was nothing that happened during the Pacific War.

As a result, our government and corporations have distrusted China and the Communist Party of China.


The second is the bullet train technology.

It abandoned the agreement and exported it to Asian countries as a "Shinkansen" made in China.

JR generously provided the technology.

Hope you can trust it.

However, they betrayed their trust and exported the Pakuri Shinkansen to various countries.

Inexpensive, ignoring safety.

Seeing this, many Japanese companies have completely distrusted China.

That is why most of the important technologies have been donated.


On the other hand, what happened to America and Germany?

Since the situation is different between the United States and Germany, focus on the United States.


In the United States, labor unions of major manufacturers such as GM are strong.

Especially the manufacturer.

So what happened to the manager?

In particular, global companies such as GAFA have rushed to labor unions with China, which fears taxes and "maximizes profits", in order to "maximize profits".

Of course, successive presidents cooperated with this.

In the name of neoliberalism.

Especially the president of the Democratic Party.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese Communist Party bought money for parliament and government leaders.

Of course, I also controlled the media.

Cheap Chinese products make life better.


In Japan, due to the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China, Kakuei Tanaka tried to approach China, but the United States cannot permit it.

Or rather, Kakuei Tanaka had a sweet side.

A bribe from Lockheed suddenly gets arrested.

After all, Kakuei Tanaka was more money than the people.


In this way, the United States took the lead by successive presidents and promoted a policy of monopolizing China.


From the middle, Europe and America such as Germany have entered, but at best, cars such as the Philkswagen are at best.

However, Germany has been trying to capture the United States with the heavy burden of the EU.

Merkel is in the lead.


In particular, the compatibility between the US GAFA and other global companies and the Chinese Communist Party was very good.


This is because the tax can be avoided and profits can be shared between American global companies and the Chinese Communist Party.


So, the Communist Party executives have made their ties stronger and stronger by sending their children to the United States and Canada.


Meanwhile, Chinese Communist Party executives have made their spouses and children obtain citizenship in the United States and other countries in preparation for the collapse of the government, in preparation for the situation in which China such as the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan are chased.

So that you can escape from China in an emergency.


Thus, both industrially and academically, the United States and China became deeply connected.


In inverse proportion to the poorer American workers and civilians represented by Rust belt.



However, that China was exactly a Pandora's box.


We, Asians, know that Chinese eat anything on the four-legged side of the table, except bats, snakes, and other reptiles, and swallow's nests, which are almost non-toxic. There is.


So be careful.


However, no ordinary person in the West would know that.


I don't even think of unknown viruses lurking in wildlife such as bats.


Moreover, the Wuhan virus is not the first.


So far, SARS and MERS have been in danger of unknown viruses twice.


It happened by a former WHO secretary-general, who alerted him and managed to contain it very early on, so no one was aware of the "outrageous danger" of the unknown virus. ..


That was the cause of the cause of the global pandemic (as of May 28, more than 5.62 million people were infected and more than 356,000 people died worldwide).


Although it has become a little longer, Japan is less affected by the Wuhan virus than Western countries simply because it has a weak connection with China.


It is clear that the Wuhan virus in AIIB countries, the United States, and Africa is seriously affected.


The United States brought the Wuhan virus into the country when an American who was supposed to be in China suddenly returned to Japan due to refusal of entry from China.

Naturally, many Americans were infected in Europe.


In the case of Germany, it is thought that the Germans, who were originally associated with a Chinese company in Wuhan, returned to Japan and spread the Wuhan virus to Germany, the EU, and the United States.


On the other hand, Southeast Asia and Taiwan are at the same level as Japan or less damaged.


In particular, Taiwan was viewed as an enemy by China, so it quickly decided to refuse entry from China.

Including Taiwanese Wuhan residents in their home countries.


Vietnam also suffered less damage.


It was because he did not trust China at all because he had been drinking a bitter bit when he saw China doing business in the South China Sea such as the Nansha Islands.


Other Southeast Asian countries are China's “market”, but they do not have much “business cooperation”.

Like America and Germany.


In other words, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Southeast Asian countries had weak links with the Chinese Communist Party.

The interests of these countries, including the South China Sea, were being invaded by the Communist Party of China, and they lacked the advanced technology of the United States represented by the iPhone.

Therefore, the number of infected people and the number of dead people are smaller than those in the West.


The Wuhan virus is spread to the world by infected people and close contacts with infected people.

If people do not move, the Wuhan virus cannot spread the infection.

Therefore, Wuhan virus infects bats and spreads the infection efficiently.

However, now people can spread the Wuhan virus all over the world much faster and more efficiently through the global network of aircraft networks.

The more countries that have strong ties with the Communist Party of China.

The more countries that betray their own workers and share their profits with the Chinese Communist Party.


Now you understand.


The countries where the Wuhan virus has been severely damaged this time are those countries that have deep cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party, including the United States.


So are the AIIB countries.


Successive governments in these countries have betrayed their own workers and opened the Pandora's box, the Wuhan Virus.


It is clear that the responsibility lies with the successive administrations of each country, including the United States, which has strengthened these countries' deep ties with China.

Of course, President Trump will not be in this.


The following "Wuhan Virus World Spread Map" illustrates this.


