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[How to prevent ‘peer pressure and echo chambers’ on the web/social networking sites?
The problems of bare old media and the acceleration of problems with new information tools. Can humanity evolve its information intake? ...
It has been nearly 20 years since I stopped subscribing to newspapers. At the same time, my wife selectively saves programmes related to ‘my fields of interest’ such as NHK-BS for me to watch on TV, so I only watch BG video-like programmes that do not seem to have any negative effects when I watch them with my mind empty, such as when I am eating.
This trend in media contact has led to strong opposition to variety programmes on commercial television in particular. It seems to me that the content of these programmes is very ephemeral and their only purpose is to deliver commercials to the viewers. I don't deny it at all, but as for me, I can't stand consuming my life time for watching them. Furthermore, the recent trend in the existing media is to demonstrate a marked ‘bias’ in the provision of information as well as the freedom to ‘not inform’. I believe this is a fundamental problem in the modern world.
The SNS media, Youtube and others are naturally aware of these viewing trends, and display information at the top of the list that matches these selection tendencies, and respond accordingly. They will respond by displaying information at the top of the list that matches these selection trends. As a result, an ‘echo chamber’ information trend becomes inevitable. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications website states. 〜The term ‘echo chamber’ refers to the physical phenomenon of sound reverberating in a closed room, where people follow information sources with similar interests to their own when using social media, and as a result, when they transmit their opinions on SNS, they receive similar opinions back. 〜The fact is that what is happening today is this kind of strong ‘peer pressure’ information flood.
It seems to me that today we are simultaneously experiencing arbitrary information ‘control’ by the conventional ‘old media’ and ‘tonal pressure/echo chambers’ as a result of user selection. As mentioned above, I myself do not have much of a habit of ‘idle’ viewing contact with old media, but I am now deeply aware of the problem of how to deal with echo chamber-like social networking sites.
Whether we realise it or not, it seems to me that this issue will become a very big problem in society in the future. This theme has only just begun, however, and at the moment we are probably still in the process of uncovering the problems. There has been no noticeable movement to correct the problems of old media, nor has there been any corrective action on the part of social networking services. However, it may be better in the sense that users are becoming more aware of these themes. We should watch carefully to see if ‘wisdom’ from the user side grows.