→ENGLISH→Programs→Invitation / Japan Cinema・・・とたどっていくと
プログラムの一番上に、画面写真なしで「세바.스.짱 / Seba.s.tian」と紹介がありました。
Communication is one of the notable themes of Japanese short films in this year, which may represent the reality that Japanese society has closed and felt lack of understanding. There are one man and one woman who come across every day in a small station, but never talked to each other. At the station, there is the note named ‘meeting place’ placed for local people. When the man lost his periodic ticket, he got it back with help of Sebastian who left memo on the note about it. Since then, he starts to believe that the woman should be Sebastian. This would be the story of the last analogue note in this SNS, Twitter era.
사이토우 신 / 사이토우 사야카
→ENGLISH→Programs→Invitation / Japan Cinema・・・とたどっていくと
プログラムの一番上に、画面写真なしで「세바.스.짱 / Seba.s.tian」と紹介がありました。
Communication is one of the notable themes of Japanese short films in this year, which may represent the reality that Japanese society has closed and felt lack of understanding. There are one man and one woman who come across every day in a small station, but never talked to each other. At the station, there is the note named ‘meeting place’ placed for local people. When the man lost his periodic ticket, he got it back with help of Sebastian who left memo on the note about it. Since then, he starts to believe that the woman should be Sebastian. This would be the story of the last analogue note in this SNS, Twitter era.
사이토우 신 / 사이토우 사야카
コミュニケーションが今年日本の短編映画の注目のテーマであり、それは閉鎖的で理解に欠けると感じられる日本社会を象徴しているのかもしれない。一人の男性と一人の女性が小さな駅で毎日顔を会わせるのだが、お互いに声はかけたことはない。駅には「meeting place」という地元の人々が使う掲示板がある。男が定期券を
さいとう しん/さいとう さやか