文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Akutagawa's photograph is telling the thing to you.

2013年04月01日 22時32分39秒 | 日記
NHK the other day was reporting to think that the people in the world wanted to attempt to see Sakura in Japan.

What often, too, reserving a room at a hotel according to the flowering of the cherry tree, too

Akutagawa was seeing this and increasingly thought of it more.

Saying it includes a yell and it let's take Sakura in Kyoto this year

As previously mentioned, this year, the weather was strange and primarily, Tokyo became in full bloom much earlier than Kansai for the flowering to move ahead east from the west and for Sakura to lead.

As for Kyoto, barely, yesterday, to be in full bloom increased.

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Asking Akutagawa, too, will be able to see already only as the previously mentioned number city when wanting to attempt to see the town all over the world which it should see.

Even if it thinks that it wants to see Kyoto to want to see Japan in the world, the lifetime, the people who can not see are the great part to the end.

Akutagawa wants to tell such you the quintessence at the price which isn't enough for the admission charge of each place, too.

You should know that it excelled seeing seemingly and that it was and that "The Turntable of Civilization" took effect in Japan why.

The people of the keen eyed owner will understand the thing instantly.

The position of what heart is it in with Peace in the world?

Akutagawa's photograph is telling the thing to you.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/31

2013年04月01日 10時01分24秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/31



3月30日のアクセス数 閲覧数:14,655PV    訪問者数:548IP

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一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:981 訪問者数: 453




1トップページ91 PV

2理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...44 PV

3青蓮院の池に注ぐ水は何時見ても…。37 PV

4一時は、苦し過ぎて…。34 PV

5その後、芥川は、これ以上ない、辛い、苦し...31 PV

6今朝、目を覚ました時に、何故か、同級生の...29 PV

7お互いの中に生き続けていた言葉に対する無...26 PV

8今は、また、どこかで突然・偶然、会うのか...26 PV

9いずれ、何処かで…。25 PV

10自分の目に映る事象だけで判断したかったの...25 PV

11D君は、勉強とビジネスを貫いて、24 PV

12その様相は、全く正反対の様なものだが、そ...23 PV

13大体が、家族で成り立つ商売はない。23 PV

14芥川は悪夢の様なビジネス人生の晩年を過ご...23 PV

15家族主義を標榜する人達も、常に、一番、重...22 PV

16「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...22 PV

17芥川が彼と再会したのは…。21 PV

18彼は商社に勤めていた。21 PV

19読者の方は御存知かと思うが、21 PV

20芥川龍之介は家に500mも近付くと、自分の...20 PV


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