文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Woody Allen,Kyoto of the sprinkle, too, is good best. It isn't defeated at all to Paris.

2013年04月19日 11時55分16秒 | 日記
Yesterday, written photo book entitled “Celestial bliss of Sakura Kyoto” and was published.
At 4 dollars, 105 sheets of photographs are included.
Please, subscribe.
In the feelings, on something which becomes good, to be intoxicated, liquor and medicine are ( of the medicine which the body has harm especially ) needed for nothing.

Akutagawa is wished to see this photograph collection to the person all over the world.
It sees especially to 6,000,000,000 persons who will never visit Kyoto during the lifetime and it wants.
Surely, you will be intoxicated by doing the excellently of Sakura which had never been seen formerly, the luxury, the beauty of it.

It is intoxicated by Sakura and it should be intoxicated by Kyoto.

The day when Akutagawa took this photograph, it was to do the day being of the unstable weather.When final, it became a sprinkle.

Akutagawa has been a movie-liked person who yields to no one in movie and some time, it was a rental shop in the neighborhood and had seen the great part of the movie which it should see, too.

As for Woody Allen, he has been one of my favorite managers but the other day, “Midnight in Paris” which was seen in wowow by chance was wonderful really.

It thinks that it isn't exaggerated even if it says that Akutagawa is former best of his.

The feelings that he loves Paris were good for above all, too.
Akutagawa, too, is because Paris is a favorite town.
However, it took this photograph and I had a feeling.

Woody Allen
Kyoto of the sprinkle, too, is good best.
It isn't defeated at all to Paris.

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昨日、書いたphoto bookが「至福の桜 京都」と題して出版されました。

2013年04月19日 11時52分30秒 | 日記
昨日、書いたphoto bookが「至福の桜 京都」と題して出版されました。









ウッディ・アレンは好きな監督の1人でしたが、先日、偶然、wowowで観たmidnight in Parisは本当に素晴らしかった。







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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/17

2013年04月19日 11時34分03秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.
" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/17



4月16日のアクセス数 閲覧数:6,627PV    訪問者数:601IP

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6正法眼蔵…醍醐寺にて。2012/4/12.30 PV

7平野神社…ウィキペディアから。28 PV

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