文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It refurbished akutagawa kenji of kindle store.

2013年04月07日 21時54分28秒 | 日記
It refurbished akutagawa kenji of kindle store.

The person who created in the occasion of the photobook publishing thinks of the image quality of the photograph by mistake and is said to have cut off it.

But fortunate as Akutagawa

Surely, the photograph wasn't clear and it thought that it was strange.

Therefore, today, at a breath, Akutagawa refurbished all covers.

Akutagawa's photobook is 100 yen - 250 yen with these photographs by 35 sheets - 150 sheets included.

Akutagawa is convinced that these photographs heal you and that it gives you inspiration.

All of the results to visit each place tens of times every year after re- discovering Kyoto before by 5, 6 years appear at Akutagawa's photograph.

95 % of people of all over the world visit Kyoto during the lifetime and not having been held.

There will seldom be that Akutagawa, too, visits the world now.

Akutagawa will continue to send Kyoto's maximum to such you.

It is making up my mind so.

Even if it says that Kyoto is the best in the world, the thing which isn't exaggerated is as it referred many times.

Because it wrote before therefore by blog "The Turntable of Civilization" at Akutagawa's photograph, read.

Please, click the following and subscribe to it.

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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/8

2013年04月07日 15時55分59秒 | 日記
Mikuriya Takashi 1951, coming from Tokyo
It is graduated in the college of law of the University of Tokyo.
1996 Suntory art and science prize winning
Tokyo Broadcasting System “The current event random talk " Serving as the caster, too
The book is a multitude of “the inteligence and the feelings Kiichi Miyazawa's and Noboru Takeshita's politics view” (The Asahi publishing) and so on.

Matubara Ryuichiro 1956, coming from Kobe-shi
It is graduated in the University of Tokyo engineering department.
The graduate school economics graduate course Doctoral course finish
The book is a multitude of “the Japanese economy theory” (NHK publishing) and so on.
The attainments are deep with the martial art, too.

Mikuriya Takashi of University of Tokyo professor (the politics)×Ryuuichirou Matsubara of The University of Tokyo professor ( The socio-economics )

From the number of 9/23 of weekly Asahi 2011-09-15

...The preamble abbreviation

The Kan administration was waiting not to issue a definite instruction at all and for the revival conception conference that I acted for the chairman to make a suggestion only.
Moreover, there is not even a kicker in the order, saying carrying forward a revival exactly even if it makes a suggestion.

That it should have been the story to give an idea because there was no sense in the government

It will be because it didn't become the condition that will support a administration mainly in the prime minister after all even if the earthquake disaster may will occur or whatever might wake up if saying why the politics didn't function to here.
It wasn't thinking of whether or not Kan, too, is this year which does prolonging life, utilizing an earthquake disaster.

It is awful thing.
“The valet politics " is the times which don't function.
Kan heard only that it appointed the person who searched by it participation and that the person said about what it is if not sometimes liking it.
Around, in the participation laziness, a lot of suspicious persons, too, went into the administration.
Such " the valet politics " doesn't function in the modern society which pulls out the eyes of the growing horse.
In Kan, when the proposal of the revival conception conference comes out, the revival will have ended (The smiling wryly).
Now, the interest moved to the renewal energy.

As for Kan, the theme changes with the time.
It has gone to the following theme at once when the situation becomes doubtful and is contented by beginning to do, too.
To be consumption tax increase from the first of administration's being started, to be TPP and to say changed, being chubby.
It suggested “wanting to make a vegetable party ", and so on, to not seeming the word of the Prime Minister in approximately and a country.

The person who is called Naoto Kan still is a hustler.
It doesn't worry especially even if there is his opponent in the internal party and it thinks that it is proper.
But, there is not a feeling to let's cooperate to carry on a dialog with the opponent and to let's have understand it in the chintz.
It includes opposition parties such as Liberal Democratic Party, while surrounded by its opponent, it appeals to the world for it of the athlete how and it doesn't think of whether it is this year whether or not it colludes with the public opinion and whether or not it lives.
It leads a person and it thinks that it is a hustler but the ideal tries to be after all of the sedge realized in the type which is good only at attacking an enemy by the ordinariness because there is not a purpose.
The government is to move an organization but there is not to be permitted to think or the ability, too, absolutely in such thing.

When the sedge won popularity as the Minister of Health and Welfare in Liberal Democratic Party, the Socialist Party, the herald administration, it was said to that it does " only the sedge has done to the Prime Minister and bites " from Masaharu Gotouda and the previous deputy prime minister.

Kan is the man who doesn't know a fact of the government basically.
The government can be opposed but as the Prime Minister, government itself isn't made.
It was because it said.
It will have had a hunch which is peculiar to Gotoda.
It was to do exactly being now when looking back.

For the purpose, compatible after the earthquake disaster, to have fallen with the dispensation even if the individual didn't include a goal
If the technology of the government is clear, it should have been possible to play an active part.
The person who must not become a prime minister most had become a prime minister the clumsiest time.

Revival conception conference however, because it said “that it seemed that it went, being good “from Kan, it said” that it was the power of the young putting-on bureaucrats who are supporting in not being our power.” I.
Then, do the face which it seems that is unexpected
It says “can the bureaucrat trust? So is there a bureaucrat under you ", and so on.
It answered that I “can do nothing when they are not “but it was taking notes to the notebook in the state to have been plainly surprised at (The laughter).
It is bureaucrat distrust as thoroughly as it.

It will be a bureaucrat, it will be a civilian, but as for the Japanese, it burns with the sense of mission and such an emergency works, becoming desperate.
Even if it made to be usually an enemy temporarily, in such a case, it should use, being good.
When heard by the sedge when the maladministration is warm, it is difficult to answer actually.
There are what maladministration because it was not and nothing.
However, the cesser will be a sin most.

...The omit the last part
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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/8

2013年04月07日 09時51分21秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/8



4月7日のアクセス数 閲覧数:6,871PV    訪問者数:337IP

順位: 1,791位 / 1,703,831ブログ中 (前日比  ↓)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:610  訪問者数: 426





1トップページ42 PV

2理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...36 PV

3「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月6日。24 PV

4そのクオリティは特派員たちの優秀さに在る...20 PV

5「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...17 PV

6アーカイブ15 PV

7ネットの「情報商材」相談3倍 「FX」「競...13 PV

8昨日の朝日も、朝日新聞本来の報道を出して...11 PV

9御厨貴 東大教授(政治学)×松原隆一郎 東...9 PV

10「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月7日。9 PV

11よって、これらの写真は、本日にて、打ち止...7 PV

12オバマを読む アメリカ政治思想の文脈  ...7 PV

13そうじゃないのよ、芥川さん。7 PV

14私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...7 PV

15今日の朝日新聞一面の特集記事…民主党政権...7 PV

16「金融が乗っ取る世界経済」 ロナルド・ド...6 PV

17不世出の人、Martha Argerich に捧ぐ…12/3...6 PV

18小室直樹に言わせれば、日本で唯一の政治学...6 PV

19トヨタ,新型ハイブリッド車 1リットル40キ...6 PV

20コバレント、台湾企業に売却…日経新聞8月12...6 PV




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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/9

2013年04月07日 08時57分50秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/9



4月8日のアクセス数 閲覧数:8,502PV    訪問者数:443IP

順位: 1,181位 / 1,704,156ブログ中 (前日比  ↑)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:598  訪問者数: 393




1トップページ71 PV

2今夜は、分けても、この曲だった。38 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...37 PV

4芥川は信じる。36 PV

5これが単純明快なデフレの真因。36 PV

6昔、ネルソン・フレーレ、アルフレッド・ブ...35 PV

7小春日和の12畳の部屋で…。34 PV

8本当に、哲学の無い、節操のない有様…。28 PV

9「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月7日。27 PV

104月6日の事。27 PV

11そのクオリティは特派員たちの優秀さに在る...24 PV

12昨日の朝日も、朝日新聞本来の報道を出して...17 PV

13「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月6日。8 PV

14キッチンで野菜栽培 パナソニックが小型装...8 PV

15台風一過に等しい空気の中で、写真を撮ろう...8 PV

16それでは色男でお願いたしやす。8 PV

17私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...8 PV

18続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...7 PV

19日本をきちんと認識してくれているレジス・...7 PV

20「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月8日。7 PV




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The recommendation from Youtuve

2013年04月07日 08時21分47秒 | 日記
The recommendation from Youtuve resembled and therefore, Akutagawa listened to her violin first in the morning of Sunday.

To be a treasury in Japan is needless for Sayaka Shoji, too, to say.

Tchaikovsky : Violin Concerto in D major op.35

Barely, the augmented-edition the 1 of "The Turntable of Civilization" could be published.

Please, click the following and subscribe to it.

Akutagawa is convinced that it is necessary to read this book to understand the 21st century truly.

The Turntable of Civilization vol.1

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It knew her when discovering last fm and listening to a lot of music.

2013年04月07日 08時08分21秒 | 日記
It knew her when discovering last fm and listening to a lot of music.

Brahms : Violin Concerto in D major op.77

Barely, the augmented-edition the 1 of "The Turntable of Civilization" could be published.

Please, click the following and subscribe to it.

Akutagawa is convinced that it is necessary to read this book to understand the 21st century truly.

The Turntable of Civilization vol.1

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