文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2013年04月15日 13時53分54秒 | 日記
芥川のThe Turntable of Civilizationは、実は恐るべき書物である事は慧眼の士ならお分かりのはずなのである。



読者は、昔、FM大阪に「ビートオンプラザ」という、新着LPをまるまる一枚流してくれる、ロック音楽の最高峰と言って良い番組が在った事、これを通して、芥川が、ボブ・マーリィに出会い、♪No Woman No Cry♪に慟哭したことを知っている。

テレビジョンに出会い、♪Guiding Light♪に慟哭した事を知っている。




同時に、芥川が、今回の"The Turntable of Civilization" part 1に書いた重要なテーマとの符号も強く感じたのである。

テレビジョンに出会い、♪Guiding Light♪に慟哭した事は必然だったのである。




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It was necessary to have come across the television and to have lamented over ♪Guiding Light♪.

2013年04月15日 13時41分27秒 | 日記
That Akutagawa's The Turntable of Civilization is awful book actually should be understanding if is a keen eyed man.

Especially, this English translation, moreover, the important theme which no one wrote in another former days is stored in the augmented-edition.

By the help of the friend, it discovered the one which should be actually surprised in YouTube when the aim that Englishment can be published stands in the kindling store on Amazon.

The reader knows that Akutagawa met Bob Marley through that there were a full one sheet pouring highest peak of rock music and a program which may go this and that it lamented over ♪No Woman No Cry♪ in the new LP, " the Beat on plaza ", in the past, FM Oosaka.

It knows that it came across the television and that it lamented over ♪Guiding Light♪.

It knows that it knew Patti Smith when meeting latter, too.

There was such a video of the Patti Smith.

Akutagawa was really surprised.

It thought that that she was called the queen of the punk rock of NY, too, was consequential.

At the same time, Akutagawa is "The Turntable of Civilization" part1 this time It felt a mark with the written important theme, too, strongly.

It was necessary to have come across the television and to have lamented over ♪Guiding Light♪.

パティ・スミス in フジロック 2002

It was writing the lead-off batter comment of this video.
To have seen a video and to have cried are the first time.
The caption can not be clearly seen but that she is saying is because it was conveyed.
It thinks that it is nature, a comment about being consequential.

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If it is possible to make Akutagawa a boom from the world, it is satisfied.

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