文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Actually, it dreamed an interesting dream and it woke up.

2013年04月28日 22時49分56秒 | 日記
Actually, it dreamed an interesting dream and it woke up.
There is a director who is commenting on the art which doesn't have the feeling which is using the technology of the photograph at all and he is....

It was a dream about Akutagawa's photograph.
It made too early because it was even if it told Akutagawa's photograph excellently but to begin to get up.
The one that Akutagawa's photograph the photograph took thought transference with the existence which occurred in the moment in the moment
It isn't exaggerated even if it says that it is the record of the consideration of Akutagawa, Akutagawa's record of the life.
The photographer of the professional that to be familiar with the photograph is consequential should be taking one one sheet sheet of photographs perfectly theoretically.
Akutagawa is using a technology as the photograph hardly.
It will be as avoiding back light as much as possible at most.
Later, it is as choosing the day where the weather is as good as as much as possible.
Because it was such Akutagawa, it thought that it does the excellent dream which is called what.
This will have no choice but to go out of the bed once.
It noticed that there was a lens to be never using after beginning to use a camera in now yesterday.
Today, it decided that it would go to take flowers in Kyoto Botanical Gardens which Akutagawa loves plainly with the lens from yesterday.
The feeling arrived at the service which Kyoto-shi is doing during this GW period and the clapperloader who is a companion when arriving at Kyoto station and trying to buy a ticket at the subway answered it immediately.
Today, the subway is free-to-ride at the 1st, 600 yen.
Isn't it good?
If making to go to Daigo-ji behind the arboretum, it gets to lay terrible profit.
If being, today, as for somewhere, let's visit one already.

As hoped, camellia still bloomed.
In addition to it, now, it was taking all of the flowers which bloom in Kyoto Botanical Gardens.
It is when passing at 1 o'clock at noon on the way and becoming the time of the lunch.
It is in the eminent residential area that it says this Kitayama in Kyoto-shi, however and the good restaurant centers around Kyoto Botanical Gardens.
Because to return to the entrance, too, was terrible, when whether or not it would make a restaurant in the park, if saying, the known exit was in the immediateness for the first time.
If leaving there, at the restaurant, it is at once.
There was steak house Volks in the left hand.
It was good exactly because here was a salad smorgasbord.
The assistant chose that the bread is all-you-can-eat, soup all you can drink at the hamburger launch.
The thing where the kind of the salad is rich, and the fresh thing, the dressing, too, are very good.
It is to the extent that the stomach became big only with the salad.
It was very satisfactory lunch.
Then It returned to Kyoto Botanical Gardens and it resumed photography but if a feeling was stuck, it was passing half past three already.
Akutagawa thinks that this place is wonderful really.
This place is wonderful really even if whenever it comes and it comes many time.