文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Akutagawa is convinced that it is necessary to read this book to understand the 21st century truly.

2013年04月05日 09時47分37秒 | 日記
Barely, the augmented-edition the 1 of "The Turntable of Civilization" could be published.

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Akutagawa is convinced that it is necessary to read this book to understand the 21st century truly.

The Turntable of Civilization vol.1

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Because it is this, i.e. the beneficence of Abenomics.

2013年04月05日 07時07分27秒 | 日記
The editorialists in Asahi had better recognize that one of the companies which receive Abenomics right beneficence most is us, smarting flesh and bones.

However, there were that the deflation began to progress steadily and that it approached an ultimate when some person in them took part in the politics in the strange form and headed public opinion in the mistake.

The advertisement paper in these days Asahi was horrible.

It was the contents and the quality to mistake, saying the sports newspaper.

As for the human beings in the advertisement sales department, the condition that the heart is cold should have continued.

Then, it is now.

The big group of enterprises to represent in Japan comes up with all the paragraph advertisements one after another.

Because it is this, i.e. the beneficence of Abenomics.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

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It is the scrum of " the earth principle " that is necessary…

2013年04月05日 06時56分14秒 | 日記
The preamble abbreviation

At the time of Spanish influenza in Taishou when the person of tens of millions removed a life in the world, too, there was not a person who saw a virus actually yet.

The science progresses and the fight of the part is the possibility to have become favorable to the human race.

However, as for the virus, the bounds, too, are the suspicious person who changes in 7 which sings and this time, it says that it is mutated as it is easy to be infected with the person.

While wandering a person and birds and beasts, it isn't possible to fierce-ize more and the fight is endless.

We want to ask a Chinese government for the secret therefore to this matter not to be.

It is the scrum of " the earth principle " that is necessary before in the enemy who is common to the human race.

From The Asahi, the Vox Populi Vox Dei today
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