文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

as for the problem, the activity of this Japanese in China is what will be never reported.

2013年04月02日 23時36分51秒 | 日記
It is to refer from the other day but Tokyo Broadcasting System's news 23 has frequently accomplished the independent report which is different from the another station completely.

Tonight, it featured Japanese with the pull of 13 years to entitle China which turns into desert and to stop the desertification which progresses in some district in China.

But he is the person of the zest such as the young man forever but the young man becomes an adult just as it is even if it says that it is the young man who seems to be to do the improving of the person really gently.

Some cause such as the climate was raised as the cause which is turning into desert but it is convinced that Akutagawa will be a true cause, saying that it had been eaten up to the root of the grass after limitlessly grazing the goat which can adopt cashmere.

By the way, it is in the place to have made the plant which becomes first-class herb medicine material to the root of the plant which is strong in the environment on the foresting desert live and a habitant was made to be able to secure a high annual income that this Japanese are anything but ordinary.

By the way, as for the problem, the activity of this Japanese in China is what will be never reported.


2013年04月02日 23時34分10秒 | 日記







Today, some of the showplaces in Sakura in Kyoto got to do the full-blown which is true.

2013年04月02日 23時09分27秒 | 日記
Today, some of the showplaces in Sakura in Kyoto got to do the full-blown which is true.

The full-blown of today, the day, was done.

It was rainy weather forecast from yesterday.

This morning, if confirming a Sakura letter in Kyoto, Heian-jingu switched over to being in full bloom.

The sprinkle, we asked so and the rainy pattern today headed for Kyoto.

Of taking a photograph of putting to be a threatening sky at the same time from the beginning in the mind determining

We requested a close acquaintance to do a clapperloader.

For show of a determination where there there was Akutagawa in the blog this morning, there is not it.

Equal to or more than 95 % of persons of all over the world should never visit Kyoto in their lifetime.

Akutagawa wants to send a quintessence in Japan to such people.

It is making up my mind when telling the reason why The Turntable of Civilization went around to Japan with the picture with Akutagawa's photograph.

The schedule became a forced-march and had hung a load on above-mentioned acquaintance because there were one, a place to want to take a photograph in being in full bloom absolutely already.

The photograph today is very good even I as if Akutagawa's determination is possessed.

In the after earliness on the 1st, it wants to send Akutagawa's photograph to the person all over the world.

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2013年04月02日 23時05分01秒 | 日記










The Turntable of Civilizationが日本に回った理由を芥川の写真で、絵で、伝えると決意しているのである。






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