文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2013年04月20日 23時05分29秒 | 日記













The deflation is an evil.

2013年04月20日 23時00分35秒 | 日記
The deflation is an evil.
The thing isn't distinguishing between the speech person and the scholars who is being based on the mass media in Japan and this at all.
They are because it is in the absolute steadiness not to be troubled about with the deflation, and the promised high income, the promised living and promised life if for some reason and saying it.
It doesn't find the feelings and the actuality of the people who were bullied to the evil, the deflation, at all.
Actually, it is a horrible story.

Let's say one important thing which doesn't have that anyone referred formerly.
It is in inverse proportion in 20 which continued to increase a debt in the country by Japan's continuing to lower strength of a nation in this deflation and the human being and the corporation who was made a millionaire aren't exaggerated even if it says that all truth is evil itself.

The person who is called a honest human being has all feelings, of the country or the purpose of the others, and they continue to accomplish work and live in the life.
The group of enterprises which consisted for the country, if saying plainly and typically, it is an electrical industry.
It was 20 years that the country continues to repeat maladministration, that it continues to regard an exchange poor policy in the foreign country as being a seat, that it lowers strength of a nation and that it has continued to accomplish a huge debt.
It supports a country and that the group of enterprises which was with the country removed power is consequential.
In that the other day is contrary to the country, it prospers and the human beings and the corporation who enjoyed spring of my world aren't exaggerated even if they say that they took from the country actually and that they weren't necessary.
Importance what which is essential it is should be noticed not been leaking at all.

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