文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2013年04月13日 23時46分14秒 | 日記



丁度、昨日、どうしても撮りたかった醍醐寺の桜を撮るために京都に向かう電車の中でThe Nikkeiを読んでいた時に思ったのである。









You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


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To Understand Both Japan And The World.














When such a country is hopeless, the Japanese had better rather know.

2013年04月13日 23時05分18秒 | 日記
"today last year"

It isn't adequate even if it is in 1 if introducing Akutagawa's durability song about 1 piece of music and doing it.

It thought other day so.(laughing)

When reading The Nikkei in the train which heads for Kyoto to take Sakura in Daigo-ji to have wanted to take absolutely exactly yesterday.

The TV station in Japan is....

In time that Television Tokyo Channel 12, Ltd. that The Nikkei is a parent company at least is doing super in 20 to spread by centering the kind of the gossip show and together in the former whole situation completeness news on the Tokyo 1 pole, super in 35 to have continued spread…,

Saying it should come in the fact introducing the article of The Nikkei which it may not be possible to tell thoroughly to be explained even if it was 17 hours, acutely, Akutagawa thought.

Because it didn't do it, it never reads the one that such human being wrote and one someone has never seen...


There were not to want to read, to want to see and to think at all.
It is that themselves know well for some reason.

Such a human being is explosively lionized on TV and writes a large profit, a book and also is a large profit.

When such a country is hopeless, the Japanese had better rather know.

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If it is possible to make Akutagawa a boom from the world, it is satisfied.

There was an article which becomes a feeling to the newspaper 3 days before.

2013年04月13日 17時50分13秒 | 日記
There was an article which becomes a feeling to the newspaper 3 days before.
It was an index, " liking Japan about 70 percent of the student in Bejing University ".
That Bejing University is 1, 2 universities in China is needless to say.
By this article, Akutagawa thinks.
China however, the true egghead is because it shows not to be poisoned by 12 years old of mental ages of the name, the anti-Japanese education.

On the other hand, how will Korea be?
Akutagawa asks that the similar result comes out.
Because, it is because it is the problem of the trust in the intellect of the human being.
The true intellect is because it should not be dyed a fascism.
But by the way, don't understand if not attempting to investigate to be how.

Because there is possibility that the fascism of 12 years old of mental ages exists in Korea which is professing democracy with the intellect with the actual true in China which could not help coming by the Communist Party party dictatorship existing neatly greatly.

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If it is possible to make Akutagawa a boom from the world, it is satisfied.

" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

2013年04月13日 17時27分27秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.
" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/11

At the same time, Akutagawa had a feeling.
The entertainment like the marshmallow Japan of this super in 20 especially, stagnated big and which increased as in inverse proportion or appeared of being in the counter-electrode of the men that all which the leavings of emperor-banzai-fascism are making is ugly about this.
It will be same in the foreign country, too.
Should it say that it is in the counter-electrode of the fascism which boils here and there in the world and still exists or should it say that it plays a role to evade eyes from vulgarity and feeblemindedness's existing from fascism's existing by?

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There will be no objection in this therefore.

2013年04月13日 17時13分33秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.
" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/11

The following article is the one which gets permission about Akutagawa's quoting from the Newsweek editorial staff in following form and collating in together all with my readers.

In Akutagawa, in Newsweek, to continue to say that the democracy in our country doesn't become the real thing if not subscribed to about 500,000 numbers of copies is as the agreement.

The place or the thought of Akutagawa to make not to say, too, spreads through person in the editorial staff straight.

Exactly, when this number was published, Akutagawa could not read an ill, having.
From the 2012.3.28 number, the feature from p30, almost the index " Why is Samsung disliked "?
In the critical point of national rage in the arrogance which is the huge financial combine which topped an outstanding corporation in the world but monopolizes a profit.

Hereinafter, it continues.

Say that the mass media in Japan did hardly about the verification and the report of such a fact.
There will be no objection in this therefore.

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The surprise when listening to his sound for the first time.

2013年04月13日 13時57分18秒 | 日記
The surprise when listening to his sound for the first time

But be consequential but entering into " the recommendation to you " from YouTube.

The subscription while listening to this, appreciate the work of following Akutagawa.
It is happy if it becomes your some help in the very good holiday.


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(It contains NK cell)The intestines the immunocyte have 70 %,

2013年04月13日 13時24分13秒 | 日記
Kouichirou Fujita Tokyo Medical and Dental University honorary professor

...The preamble abbreviation  
To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

(It contains NK cell)The intestines the immunocyte have 70 %, it is by the intestinal bacteria that it is presenting information there and ( an immunocyte ) is made by the intestinal bacteria.
As for 30 % which are left, the things such as moving to imagine good what laughs influence.

The NK cell appears when it laughs and it decreases when depressing and the immunity rises when contributing in the society.
There are many changes of the heart, mental surfaces.

...The omission

If the NK cell is strong, the number of days which is made a cold and the number of times of the cold are decreasing.
The difference comes out beautifully and is consequential.
Influenza however, meet
( NK cell )It is fighting against the pathogen directly.
Being the same to the cancer cell, too, the NK cell is the advance guard of the natural immunity.

from http://www.jiji.com/jc/v4?id=oono0003

" is the most beautiful phrase which the human being made "

2013年04月13日 13時16分44秒 | 日記
It has said that Akutagawa " is the most beautiful phrase which the human being made " in the phrase which appears without the limit with this music beginning ever.

YouTube is putting into " the recommendation to you " from the other day.

Symphony No. 9 ~ Beethoven

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In the body, it says that 3000 - 5000 cells are making cancer on everyday but because

2013年04月13日 12時53分32秒 | 日記
Then, today, there was following article in the current dot-com.
To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

...The preamble abbreviation

What is the immunity power?
The immunity power is the important feature to maintain health and there are a natural immunity which makes natural and has and an acquired-immunity which is gotten through the infection and so on.

It says the mechanism to exclude the one which is wished to be into the bodies such as neither virus and cancer cell.

It boils one of the lymphocyte to take an important function in this defense system and there is N-K cell ( the NK cell ).
The NK cell takes a natural immunity, and it is usually in the blood and there is not a twicer or he patrols.
Then, it thinks that it is defeating when sensing the cell which was infected with the virus of the influenza and so on and a cancer cell in the early stages and so on.

In the body, it says that 3000 - 5000 cells are making cancer on everyday but because the NK cell and so on exclude a cancer cell and a virus in the early stages which were done so, a lot of persons can maintain health.

That the function becomes weak as this NK cell repeats an age, but that it becomes vigorous with the living habit and that the activity declines are known to suppose that the smoking, the eating habit and the dormancy, the stress and so on influence about specifically…the omission

From http://www.jiji.com/jc/v4?id=oono0003

The democracy all over the world should have the room to think of about the way

2013年04月13日 12時23分47秒 | 日記
As it introduced to say that it stole the one of the person in Islam only and that it seemed that it was original sin, a serious crime by the other day, the short sentences.
Akutagawa is thinking of Islam's being more right so at this point.
Because, such hoodlum is because it is equal to have killed a companion.

A feature article, " the immunity power is what? ", was carried on Nikkei in 2013/2/17, on Sunday.

...The preamble abbreviation

The movement watch of the pathogen

The immunity is the mechanism to keep repelling the germ and the virus which invaded the interior of the body and for the cancer cell not to multiply.

The immunocyte which is related with this mechanism has various kinds such as the T cell which kills the cell which was infected with the virus and the natural killer cell (NK) cell which defeats a cancer cell.

It patrols in the move of the pathogen while these ride blood and travel around being all over the body.

Recently, it found that it concerned the occurrence of the arteriosclerosis, too.
It says that it finds immunity power from the number and the ratio, the proliferating ability of the various immunocytes in the blood and so on.

When these ability becomes weak, it becomes easy to begin various diseases.

...The omission

" It is the stress that is influential " most ( Hirokawa honorary professor ) Being.
When the body of the human being receives a stress, it sticks out the hormone of some species and it tries to endure it.
However, this hormone makes the function of the immunity decline.

...The omission
but the damage by the stress seems big.

...The omit the last part

The person who accomplishes original sin and a serious crime in Islam of the beginning is equal to have killed a companion.

The democracy all over the world should have the room to think of about the way of handling to this original sin and the serious crime.

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The tiger fan all over the world must accomplish the following work, too. (laughing)

2013年04月13日 07時46分19秒 | 日記
As for the reader, Akutagawa referred many times to the style to be familiar with formerly.
It is necessary to resign from making a human being except the previous golfer explanation duty in transfer-station of the Masters Tournament.
It is only in Japan that it is doing such a thing.
Such a thing is decided and doesn't do Europe and America.
It doesn't imitate only a place about the evil of the commercialism and the such place must be imitated.
This time, it is the boss who is equal to the bosses in the players who participate in the Masters Tournament, and it listens to the explanation of Nakashima which is a great player and there should be many persons who thought that it was indeed.
It likes the tiger which actually feels to have been as the comment of him from the front of the rally about the present tiger or there is much golf preference.
While being now in this way, too, there should be many, too, persons of the tiger who are too terrible but were seeing the unexpected fatality of the reason.
The too much perfect approach shot hit a pin directly.
It returned and it fell to the pond.
However, the terrible shot of the make-over was vividly proving that he this time was fully restored as Nakajima referred.
The original spirit, technique and body of the tiger made us, too, know a perfect thing perfectly as Nakajima says.
The Masters Tournament this time is enriched and the tiger fan all over the world will be able to watch him.

The tiger fan all over the world must accomplish the following work, too.

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It will be because he was fully restored.

2013年04月13日 04時59分01秒 | 日記
That Akutagawa who was a golf freak formerly went to Hawaii continuously tens of times reader as you know
It went to Thai, too, with tens of times.
Of the reader of Akutagawa's writing some thing when Tiger Woods met with the scandal as you know
It will be because he was fully restored.
The eyes disappeared before by 30 minutes of Masters Tournament transfer-station's beginning with Tokyo Broadcasting System.

There was this in " the recommendation to you " from YouTube.

There will are not Richter in the person of the giant of the piano in the 20th century who to be oneself has an objection.

Richter in Moscow (1976) Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy, Rachmaninov

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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/10

2013年04月13日 00時04分06秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.
" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/4/10



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一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:717  訪問者数: 439




1トップページ51 PV

22012年4月9日。40 PV

3昔、TBSのディレクターが芥川を口説きに...38 PV

4理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...34 PV

5ウィリアム・H・マクニールか、ジャレド・...24 PV

6これで学問の世界とは永久にお別れなのだ、...22 PV

7gooに於けるページごとの閲覧ベスト20に...20 PV

8「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...17 PV

9「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月8日。17 PV

10読者の皆さまに文明のターンテーブル取り扱...15 PV

11「銀河鉄道の時刻表」4月9日。15 PV

12これが単純明快なデフレの真因。13 PV

13キッチンで野菜栽培 パナソニックが小型装...11 PV

14今日の朝日新聞一面の特集記事…民主党政権...11 PV

15読者の皆さまに文明のターンテーブル取り扱...9 PV

16小春日和の12畳の部屋で…。9 PV

17続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...9 PV

18今夜は、分けても、この曲だった。9 PV

19昔、ネルソン・フレーレ、アルフレッド・ブ...9 PV

20菊池製作所、上場へ 避難区域・飯舘村に主...8 PV




It spends pith on such a place

2013年04月13日 00時00分07秒 | 日記
It spends pith on such a place and it does it how and it had better attempt to think of whether or not it is possible to do the government of the country well really in it.

No merit lies in spending pith on such a place.
Even if there are a lot of minuses

The fact to govern a country is not to continue shiftlessness when the various countries which become a rival are catching the exchange poor policy which is extreme over super in 10.

The waywardness to be proud of make drop one after another, the Shear on the world in the big group of enterprises and is not the thing as it drives to the 2nd and the 3rd corporation.

It is in the fact to govern a country that it accomplishes the opposite and it is in the fact of the governing.

2012/4/1,at Tenryu-ji©Akutagawa Kenji(芥川賢治)

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